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In this period I really have a lot of ideas in mind ...... Unfortunately many are difficult to achieve due to lack of means ...... obviously I'm talking about the making of my videos !!!

But the taste and the challenge of making some of those projects in a traditional way stimulates me .....

This is because I see that you respond, appreciate, criticize and this means that I can arouse a small flame of interest in you ...... and this is my purpose!

The small family that follows me becomes more and more active, participates, corrects me when I'm wrong and this helps me a lot.

There are those who come, those who leave and those who return ....... I thank you all.

during this year I hope to improve the service, integrating a system to share videos without leaving my page (only for my members of course) would be the first investment in this direction (Vimeo would give me this possibility)

Expect news and lots of videos to warm up your fancy imagination !!!



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