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So I didn’t know if I made a new tier that it’ll have to make me GO BACK and put it in each post I created before. Sadly I don’t have time for that but luckily I had a hidden tier that i forgot to publish since early last year that I can EDIT INTO THE EARLY ACCESS.

I will be making everything that came out from NOVEMBER UNTIL NOW available but I can’t do that for +1000 posts 😭

AS FOR THE NEW REAL TIER WITH ACCESS TO EVEYTHING BEFORE IS AVAILABLE NOW FOR THOSE THAT CANT WAIT( please do wait until near ur re sub date cuz it will charge another $$ idk how much for switching tier)

Old one is now unpublished


Tom Whitehead

Hi, when are u next uploading metal master episodes on here? it’s been too damn long you can’t keep us waiting like this 😂

xx_kritex_ xx

I got the 10$ Tier and idk should cancel it couse i dont want to be charged for somthing can someone explaim me what i should Do now