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Animation looks so damn good and different....

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I'm so damn hyped


Ooh, we’re getting close to another great debut of a character. Clue: We’ve seen him before.


Not saying anything more. But even without that, it’s still one of the best episodes. I would say that the last four are the best of the season personally.


Oh shhhh lexi he's allowed to say that much


Although it's preferred to not say we've seen them before but still


It’s been years, I don’t even remember which episode it happens. Only that for some reason, the last four are my favorites. I can’t even remember why.


Am I the only one who thinks that race to the edge doesn’t really become great until S2?


Fr i just mean to stop hinting at stuff because apparently he’s had so much stuff spoiled so far. Typically I stick to just saying I’m hyped for episodes for things about to happen, but I’m never specific. Now he knows that is all I’m saying. I don’t know what all he has been spoiled, but I know he reads all of his comments. So, I just keep that two and minimum not none. Race to the edge is the best absolutely!

clutch the cinnamon sergal

Race to the edge is great…because it has a well balanced mix of episodes that are semi episodic…and episodes that advance the main over-arching plot. Even the not main plot driven episodes have some small plot progressing elements. It’s really well balanced.

clutch the cinnamon sergal

Agreed. Season 2 is where race to the edge kicks it into high gear. Definitely not worth skipping season 1 though cause season 1 still has great episodes in it


True season one has its good moments


id say it gets better every season but season 1 is still amazing


fair, i cant say the same iv'e watched this series so many times i can practically recite it word for word lol


i get that but thats why they didnt say anything more, from all that he said its just going to hype him up more at least in my opinion