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Alright, rewards have been sent like 7 hours ago actually haha. Once again through using Itch.Io the page using my store. Of course these files are hidden and can only be accessed through the links I sent , you don't need an account or anything.

The links for last month will actually be removed in two days so , make sure to download the files if you haven't yet!

So The rewards have been:

Tier 2:

- Bunny girl Hapi: 12 Versions

- Bunny Leonie: 12 Versions

- Summer Ivy: 12 Versions

- Ingrid Underwater:  - Frames 1 & 2 with 3-4 versions each

- Girl of the Month - Fairymon Defeated: 18 Versions

Tier 3:

All the above plus

- Ingrid Gets Ready - 28 versions

- Claude x Hilda animation - 2 big MP4 versions + 1 Medium Quality + 1 GIF + 3 Stills

Tier 4:

All the above plus

Leonie, Ivy and Fairymon's Builder Files. 

Plus Remember! tier 4 can ask for an old reward pack at any time during the month.

Tier 5:

All the above plus:

Remember to send your character for the YCH picture. Poll drops on the 20th if you send your characters.


Any issues with the rewards, let me know! hope you enjoy it and now onto this month's work, we'll start with the GOTM poll in a few hours!



- Ingrid got more versions!

Hours ago I sent the tier 3 rewards with "Ingrid gets ready" having only 20 versions, now however the archive has been updated to 28 as I had forgotten to save one variable, also fixed an issue with her face in some of the versions so download the package again!

- Note on the PSDs

This Month had only 3 PSD files due the nature of the works. Hapi was a YCH using the Bunny Template, The Ingrid Frames are part of an animation, Claude x Hilda was also an animation and Ingrid a remake so yeah that only left room for 3 PSDs.



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