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It's November now!, let's talk about what's coming!. First reviewing last month.

So it's been admittedly been quite slow. Lots to deal with in October and plans that didn't realize.

Speaking of that I am owing you the "Undressing" themed picture. You'd think that one would be easy but some things jammed the plan. So As I said before I wanted to do something bigger and this plan was Introducing a Lightforged Draenei OC, complete with her first story. 

Now this story is actually halfway if not 70% written but it's quite long. However I have planned this story for a very long time now, almost as long as Tabatha, so yeah is something that was always there but I never got to introduce. This was a fitting time because Lightforged rogues are now playable and she is one. I was aiming for the end of October with that thematic. But there were two issues.

1.- The pic planned + story, is quite a complex/big task. give I finished the halloween pic on the 30th I wouldn't have enough time to finish it in october proper. Instead I got the idea for the last Ingrid pic which came as a quick drawing. 

2.- The story does feature an undressing scene but what I envisioned for the pic came after which is more interesting but doesn't quite fit the theme totally.

Now we are in November, and I wanted to introduce the new character in October same as I did with Tabatha last time but kinda lost the motivation as we crossed the month.

With all that, I still also owe you the GOTM which this time will be Lady Vashj! Now Vashj herself is a complex character given her design so even if I was fully motivated completing these two pics, the story for the 5th plus the rewards...is just not happening.

However there's something else, I've received a new commission which is exactly about undressing.

So what we'll do is: I will finish Vashj and the rewards these days. That will leave us with 5 Pictures from october plus 2 big stories and a quick drawing. 2 Of the pics featured two characters so that was a bigger deal but still a smaller output than usual but I think it's better I don't rush things. After all that's what burned me up for last month.

And I will owe you the undressing pic which I will explain at the pictures portion for November plans.

So In Summary this time we have:

- Melwinne & Dryarae.

- Ingrid's hungry.

- Byleth x Shamir.

- Ashe & Kiriko BJ

- Incoming Vashj pic

With 2 big stories of multiple chapters and a Quick drawing.

- October Rewards

As usual, rewards will arrive on the 5th of the month which is the day Patreon finishes processing the payments. So if you had any trouble with your payment you can fix it up by then!

Now for November

- Pictures

So a theme I have to still do is "Undressing" and as I mentioned this is fitting with an upcoming commission featuring the lovely Cassandra Cain.

Aside from that, the theme winner this time was "Mating Press" So , we'll have that too.

Other than that, I'll be doing primarily FE3H these months stuff given soon a new game will come to replace it so I want to get many ideas done before that.

Now about the project with the lightforged draenei I mentioned above. I don't know. It's somewhat started picture-wise and as I said 70% story wise. But also, I lost the motivation for it, and I want to focus moreon FE3H. So I may leave her still in the oven until I move from this 3H phase . I figure I'll need other things to draw anyway and there's an idea there.

Of course also the GOTM.

There's also Ingrid Seiros quick drawing I might turn that into a full Illustration.

- Stories

Still doing a com now.

Other than that I have a big commission that will be presented soon, and maybe another one that's in the talks.

- Polls

As usual, new Polls will come.

The theme for the GOTM poll will be posted tomorrow!. With the GOTM poll coming on the 6th.

Also, The Kink Theme poll later on.

There might be a few polls on twitter, last time I had a poll about Ingrid and I might do more including about her recent quick drawing to make it a full artwork.

- More

I've recently returned to Pixiv. You can find my account here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/36525062

I will also be updating the store and this page more.

Anyway, thanks for being here and hope you enjoy this month!


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