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So I'm currently working on Samus and her pic will be here soon, but before that some notes here.

June's entire pack is at the store at a discounted price.

For those who don't know, I've a store in itch.io and you can get the entire June 2022 pack of rewards over there now.

It's currently 33% off for at least more 3 days. And if you missed it, you can find it here! :


You can buy the discounted bundle or just specific packs, like the D.Va Pack or the 3 Ingrids.

Why an Itch.io store, not a gumroad, and how does it work?

As to why I have an itch.io store and not a gumroad, it's because Gumroad only pays the creator through paypal which doesn't work in my country, so itch.io is the option I can use. 

Just like gumroad, you don't need to sign up or anything to buy stuff, you can use paypal or credit card to pay. And if you do gave an itch.io account you can follow creators and more.

On that note, this is how packs will be made available publicly from now on

Since last month actually, I'm posting the entire packs from two months ago there with a discount, the discount will only last for a month and the packs, when sold in the bundle, will come with a 33% discount that will last for a month.

So for example, in August I published the June pack, and this september I'm publishing the July pack.

These are posted at the same time as the Girl of the Month of that month becomes public. 

For July's entry, Janna, that will be tomorrow.

The list of available works has been Updated

The list of Patreo/SS backed works has been updated, this is mostly useful for those in tier 4+ so they can ask for older rewards.

However with this we reached 220 works! that's a lot, and that's all thanks to your help!

Also a clarification I've been meaning to do. I know that a lot of you know this already and it's on my presentation post but I've still gotten comments and questions about this, so:

The main focus of my work

I usually draw characters from many many franchises, series, anime, manga, games etc...

However I've decided that my main focus will be kept among the following five:

Overwatch, Warcraft, Fire Emblem (mainly 3 Houses/Hopes), Digimon and League of Legends.

Of course, occasionally, I'll draw other girls like Samus, or Jolyne or whatever else but I think it's beneficial for everyone if I focus on a group of franchises so we get more stuff you all like more often, and  love these too of course.  

I don't want to become an artist who only works in one franchise, ever, even though I'm mostly known as a warcraft artist. Truly I draw a lot more than wow now. I don't think focusing on one series is ever helpful and may even come with drawbacks if the company owner of the IP goes all trigger happy with removing content.

But I also know that doing a scattershot and hitting everything doesn't work, both for attracting people to my work, and keeping those who like it happy as well as keeping myself happy.

So, sometimes I might be too focused on a theme or character, like Ashe, Shamir, Ingrid, etc... but you know I'll always bring variety, yet it will be controlled variety so also we don't get chaos.

And on that note

How to vote in the GOTM theme.

So, I always make a poll about what the next theme for the GOTM will be, last time was between Nostalgia, Fire powers, OW2, Assassins and Big Boobs.

Now what I'm aiming to do is always have some girls from the 5 main series I cover, no matter the theme.

So for example, this time we have: Miss Fortune from LoL, Mercy from OW and Camilla from FE (even if it's not 3H).

My aim is to always have at least 2 of the options from the main 5.

Most likely 3/5 options will be of the main five.

But it can possibly even be 4-5/5 options be from the main five.

So when you vote for a theme, consider that. Like "Oh, fire powers, why would that be interesting? wait which girl from LoL has fire powers? maybe Ahri will be in the poll?" that's how you can approach it.

Finally! Speaking of. There's currently a twitter poll running to see which version of Ingrid I draw.

You can check it on my account twitter account @AramyxDraws 

That will be all for now, have fun!


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