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Just some page updates this time but they certainly took some time.

Changed the presentation with the banner and opening post that should make more clear what I work on.

Particularly highlighting the 5 IPs I work on the most and plan on keep working on. Warcraft, Fire Emblem, League of Legends, Overwatch and Digimon.

And a more important update is that I updated the list of all the Patreon/SubscribeStar backed works. This is mostly useful for tiers 4+ as they can request an old pack as reward and I hadn't updated it since december...


Over 200 backed artworks now, thanks to you guys! We'll of course just keep going!

Another thing, the F.A.Q. has also been updated!


New Definitions, references an the collection of YCH is updated there, so for anyone interested in the rewards hopefully this makes things more clear.

Finally, Patreon informed me that next week there's some redesigns going on check the blog here:



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