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As I said the theme poll would always come in the middle of the month, however it's coming a bit later this month and that's related to the updates below. So I'm posting it now.

As a reminder, how this works is. I picked one pic from each month for the past fiscal year, and here, the votes will be between the themes of these pictures. So we'll be going for themes of pics as old as one year ago and as recent as last month.

Usually theme polls were meant to be for tier 3+ but on this case, since I can see who voted for what thanks to a patreon function, these will be available to everyone but weighted by tier. Tier 1 = 1 vote and so on.

This theme WON'T be for the GOTM but for a picture I will end up delivering next month, I will pick the girl I feel the theme would work better with.

So, without more to say, the pics I chose from the past fiscal year are these:


Well, it's actually bad news. You may have noticed things going really slow. Well, that's actually because I actually injured my hand/arm actually the previous saturday. I thought it'd be fine but seems it's more troublesome/serious than I anticipated.

So not all plans might get to be fulfilled this month with the time left. But I'm still trying to cook up some stuff.

Speaking of, how did I injure you may wonder? was it carrying my new computer parts that are heavier than I thought? was it getting some gains at the gym? Nope, I was making a cake, and the recipe called for some spatula mixing with a very hard mix, and that ended up screwing me up hah. Well, the cake was absolutely delicious though.

Anyway, vote for your favorite! will post another story tomorrow.


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