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So I did say I'd post some stories but before that I wanted to bring you another picture. This Months' remake and winner of the poll in august, Demi.

Now Originally this was going to be marked as a renewal, but as you can see I redrew and repainted the head completely, and since the head is the main element, well, this is definitely a remake.

As to why, well you can see the original version also put on here, and as you can see the new one is WAY more accurate to Demi in Subverse, which was my main goal. The first version, while actually really hot IMO, didn't actually look like Demi at all, and it always bothered me.

As you may have noticed with the case of Rhea earlier this month. I do like to be accurate with the girls, as much as my style and ability allow at least. After all, what's better to fulfill the R34 fantasy than to be as close as the original as possible? And since sometimes my ability allows me to be more accurate with older pics, well, that's where remakes come in.

The rest of the picture didn't change that much, although I did some changes and improvements in the painting though of course, not as noticeable.

Hope you like this. Demi is definitely Subverse's best girl, and the hottest android in the galaxy. Maybe I'll do more of her or other Subverse girls in the future.

As a Remake, more will come for tier 3+ later.



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