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We are now on May let's talk about what's coming!. First, reviewing last month, once again we managed to complete 6 new illustrations, and a remake for 7 total pictures one of them being more of a comic page. So with this I finished two mini series, one about Tawna and another about Fiora. I did like that work model TBH so I will continue with ideas like that. My health did slow me for a while there, but feeling much better now.

Adding to that we got some stories reworked, a few rewrites and additions. With that, 4 full stories of multiple chapters are now on the supporters library at Discord. The supporters gallery has also been updated with all the pictures from the patreon timeline Since I changed name to Aramyx, updated up to the end of April 2021.

So, feel free to check that out if you have problems finding some pictures around here.

- April Rewards

As usual, rewards will arrive on the 5th of the month which is the day Patreon finishes processing the payments. So if you had any trouble with your payment you can fix it up by then!

Now for May

- Pictures

So as I said before I did like the idea of the small series so I most likely will continue that. I'm also thinking on opening a couple commission slots later in the month and of course, will work on another remake and the winner of the GOTM Poll. This all is coming as the month advances.

- Stories

I'll continue with the commissions closed for the time being. But I'll continue on posting previous stories at the Discord server. As I had said over there, some of these stories are not available around here anymore due the site's guidelines and were only given as rewards but they will be found over there now. Plus some small adjustments to improve the reading experience such as grammar, sentence structure, better dialogue and other things I might notice that I can change as I post them.

The stories there are shared through google docs.

- Polls

As usual, new Polls will come. I'll post the month's GOTM poll Today, Girls with Ponytails.

- More

I am actually planning more stuff, building some stuff. And I'll be hanging out more on discord now, I am over there now actually , feel free to ask any questions or so. I'll also be posting the FAQ of the site and maybe finish building some more ideas.

I have a lot of plans for this month, currently I'm well of health, so let's hope that continues. 


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