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So we're close to ending the year although I'm still working on some stuff for this December I figure we could take a look back. Particularly on art it has ben a long journey, more art than any other year.  Above I chose my favorite pieces each month.  

January - Doomer Girl: I just did this for fun, the doomergirl meme has a hot design as basic as it is and it ended up being really hot when I made her, I really like how her face ended up and her hips as well. Definitely one of my best pieces early on in the year. Will definitely revisit it.  

February - Mylune: I was not expecting the Dryad to win the WoW poll among so many other races but hey working on Mylune was fun, she's certainly quite a hottie. I liked a lot how hey body and skin ended up so that was great.  

March - Ishanah: The Draenei priestess, no doubt an underrated hottie I got the chance to explore a lot with her expressions and of course quasi-white skin vs dark background ended up looking great. Drawing Draenei is always fun because of their curves.

April - Ashe & Echo: Made for Echo's release, the best double-oral pic I've done so far IMO, working on Echo was interesting although I had to remake Ashe's face early on I liked the final result. Both girls look great together.

May - Gabriela: First time I do a proper picture of an OC of mine, although I didn't do much more with Gabriela as I wanted, it was nice to have a proper picture of her finally after having her appear in so many fanfics. And her hips ended up looking awesome.

June - Jaina: I think this is so far my best piece of artwork in itself to date. I just put a lot of attention to detail here, the background has been the most detailed I've done to date and I just love how her face ended up looking. Her skin and everything really marked a before and after in art for me.

July - Ashe: This was just a very quick drawing for 4th of july and ended up becoming a full Illustration anyway because it ended up looking really good, her face came up fantastically so I'm really happy with how a quick piece turned out.

August - Eva: To date I'd say this has been my best work for a commission, by far. I just really liked the idea the client presented and how they presented it so I developed it as a story with the variants. It was really cool to work with it , specially since I haven't done much dark skin. Having the different pain expressions as she's anally gaped or surprised, it was just pretty cool.

September - Li-Ming: Li-Ming was always one of my favorite characters on Blizzard, so drawing her was great, experimenting with how her skin would look in that setting and her massive ass of course. I liked just forgetting her normal outfit and going full beach. Was a fun project.

October - Tabatha: And this has been my main OC I've done so far, she came up randomly as I made that remake and ended up looking amazing. truly, to think that now we have 3 pictures of her and 2 chapters of her story. She has become a big project and all started with that picture. Beyond that however, I just really like her face, her ass and the colours I came up with there, I consider that one of my best pieces in general.

November - Alleria: Working both void and normal forms was fun, she ended up looking better than I expected and in general I just really liked the body I drew for her.

December - Tabatha & Reina: Was interesting to have my own OC commissioned, it was fun to draw two girls here, design the Christmas outfits and this picture was finished for my client's birthday so there was just a lot going on here.

As I said, still work coming this month soon but I wanted to take this little detour. Let me know which is your favorite, maybe one of these, maybe another work of mine. 




Can't believe been a year already, lots of great work man


Thanks man, yeah certainly lots done this year, and more to do in the future!