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Sooo is not often that I come and I present my own OCs but I ended up painting Tabatha kinda randomly.

Tabatha is a goth Void Elf mage who's a really really big fan of the Alliance. She's quite the adventurer, loving to quest and loot for a good profit.

Now that Tabatha is here I might do some more projects with her, either writing or more Illustrations, so I hope you like her!

I will be bringing more versions later.


Now, the story of this Illustration.

So this was not exactly a new drawing, if you've been following me for a while you might recognize the basic form, and I left that original drawing at the end of this post for comparison. 

So Originally back in the day this drawing was intended for Tabatha but ended up going to some random follower becoming their OC. That one was a Void Elf OC Called Linasyl, I had done that for a YCH givaway many months ago. However the owner of the OC never used the picture and they also disappeared becoming completely inactive not long after. 

So I was making an extra version of Linasyl for a remix and I ended up fixing this and that and midway through I just decided to use the YCH for its original purpose and basically repainted the whole thing , changed a bit of the face and pretty much transformed her to Tabatha. Definitely a glow up given what I've learned since then too.




oh this is OC? Dang..... beauty one, definitely one of your best in recent