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Alright, let's talk about Spooky Month- First off let's review September.

Changing my nickname kept me busy updating profiles in other pages and such which did cut my working time short a bit. However we still got 4 full Illustrations and two of those were big projects; Valla and Lenneth featuring 2 girls and Auriel pretty much needing a while redrawing for her second form.  

We also got Auriel's story and 2 chapters added for the stories at Hentai Foundry. For those following the stories of Lorucka & Korona and the Fairies. They are still at my old HF profile, Ardham.

So now on to what's coming:

- September Rewards: As usual, they will be delivered on the 5th of next month which is the last day Patreon finishes processing payments, so you have until then if you get any problem with your payment and you will get all rewards no issue.

- Pictures: I didn't get to continue/end the Yrel comic in September so we'll get to that now. There's also the winner of the Afterlives poll, the next warcraft babe the Winter Queen and whoever wins the spooky GOTM poll. As for other ideas, I'm actually planning some Among Us pics, should be fun that or I might get to an OC I've been planning for a while.

- Stories: I've got a lot of ideas collected now but I didn't know how to put these to practice, as in what type of main plot, overarching story or collection. I think I know how now and I might start soon.

- Polls: So, the spooky girls poll is going right now from that I'll make the spooky poll for the GOTM. 

- Patreon Updates: I'll be updating the Page a bit more making some changes to higher tiers and some of the general presentation.


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