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I blame/thank Tacokurt & Whiteshadowhare for being bad influences regarding this sort of stuff, but also was reminded of a conversation I had with a family member. I told them I draw for money and they immediately got skeptical and went with "...You're not drawing tentacles or some shit like that are you?" and I was all... "uh.... no...?" 

But then I thought "...why not? >^>" So here's some giant-octopus-thing energydrain/vore weirdness I scribbled together over the past couple of days. I thought about making the first one a YCH but not sure if there's even enough YC visible under all those legs 8T  

These 2 gifs are kind of a sequence, the energy absorbed makes it swell up in size until it can outright swallow their catch.



Scarlett Fox

You gotta do more octopus vore 💜

Designation C

Why do I want this to happen to me ~\\\\\\\~