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Thiiiis took many sessions to finish :S And then when it was done I redid a few parts because I wasn't happy with them. [EDIT] And then after I uploaded it a friend pointed out a typo and I was all nooooOoOoO I proofread and tweaked this so many tiiiimes how did I not see it X^x;; [/EDIT]  ...But anyway here's page 14!

Reality hits the delusional very hard. Or very soft. And squishy. Awake and sobered up, he remembers the events of... I guess the last 13 pages? o~o; The last 13 boyfriends?

Also to clarify 2 things: Jen doesn't keep a melting skull collection in her belly, and I'm not a fan of [acid & bones] stuff, I just thought the [ominous and terrifying danger] imagery going through his mind would look pretty cool and it came to mind during Halloween~ ¦B So, uh... apologies to the people who are outright creeped out by bones.




Very wicked imagery in the last panel. Her fat belly being depicted as a tomb is neat!

Alex Kay

Some fun imagery here. Jen's great for sillier moments. Will admit that the page flow was a little tricky to parse at first but this was still well worth the wait! That Howie's still alive is an interesting wrinkle. How he didn't drown or suffocate is a Christmas miracle! Kudos for an awesome page to round off 2023 with. Looking forward to see what 2024 brings to Jen and her ongoing escapade!


Oh nice! Getting all nightmare fuel on this G rated bunny fox comics.

Alex Kay

PS: And yes, I agree that the final panel could stand alone as a Halloween piece by itself!


Someone needs to give the fox an emetic lol


Oh boy I can't wait too see if he gets out somehow and somehow convince her too being his girlfriend after realizing he likes being in her belly x3


Vore is a horror sub-genre.


Great way to round off the year with an epic portrait of demon-like vore supervillainy! It’s doing everything the title page promised.

Otter Retto

Very powerful use of visual metaphor that got the feeling across perfect


very cute! Keep em coming!


Is it bad I’m kind of rooting for the lil idiot


This is one hell of a visually-appealing page. Great work!!


That last panel is amazing, one of the best things you've drawn, easily. But I also want to shout out that 3rd panel; my absolute favorite angle, with the hanging gut and ominous butt!

rust crumpet

I hope he doesn't escape!


The final panel looks reeeeally good, amazing job! Poor bunny slowly melting~


Will the boys be back in time to save Howie?? Or will Jen's belly get two more bunnies than planned!?!?!

Alex Kay

Scott has always asserted that, at least previously anyway, that Jen's capacity was just for one prey meal. Now never say never! That fact hasn't been verified for a while and not only has Jen gotten steadily bigger since but recent depictions would support her maybe handling (stomaching?) at least another. Would be interesting if she was forced to push herself out of necessity in a "trial by fire" sort of way~


I would love to see more bunnies making Jen's beautiful belly and butt even plumper.


I hope she crams more in there! I love that scenario that she'd be up against her own Capacity or deal with the consequences of being caught by them.

Designation C

I love this so much it looks great. I did feel bad at first but if he’s that much of a tool he kinda deserves it hehe


I don't know about anyone else but I'd actually like to see more Howie. I just love luckless idiots I guess?

Alex Kay

Dang, looking back over this page and it's hugely impressive with a beastly FOURTEEN panels. With each panel being a high-quality and rendered picture in its own right, there's more work in this one page than in most sequences! It's amazing but also like don't wear yourself out, Scott. 😅