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As mentioned last month in the 2023 post, I'm bringing back The Idea Pile to somewhat replace Bunniversary/Halloween. I'll still do some sort of for those holidays, but with this I can essentially draw-colored-scribbles-for-points whenever the mood hits. I intend to do 20 of these per year.

To be eligible, you must have accrued at least 10 Calico Reward Points, which will be deducted from your balance if I draw your idea. It can feature your characters, a friend's characters (with their permission), or mine, but please limit it to a max of 2 characters. I will draw (or animate) my favorite submissions as a colored scribble or better. During April/October I will do an increased amount of them and focus on people who haven't been chosen in the past year (or at all.)

Unlike before, I am using a google form to gather the information, as cataloging direct messages via patreon is too labor intensive to do all year. The form, to my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong, please!) hides your email address and post information from everyone (and I cannot see your email address, as far as I know), and only allows for one entry at a time. You can edit your own entries at any time. When you submit an entry, please confirm that you have posted an idea via patreon messaging, as any inappropriate/fraudulent entries will be deleted. The drawings produced will be posted here and at my usual art galleries.

I hope that this isn't convoluted or imposing, but if problems arise and people strongly dislike compared to prior system please tell me so and if enough people don't like it I'll revert back to handling these DM-Only and during the 2 holidays. Until then I'll be giving this a try o^o/

This link will take you to The Idea Pile 

Thank you!


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