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It's late December! I wish everybody a great holiday season. I've got a few things to touch on for what's in store for 2023 and, specifically, the next few months

Changing Bunniversary/Halloween

For the past few years I've done taken 10 submissions from patrons in April and in 10 October for 10 Calico Rewards Points, and I've never been able to finish them all until at least the following month. I'd like to change the schedule around to become something more spread out: 5 in October, 5 in April, and 1 for every other month of the year--effectively still doing 20. I'm essentially bringing back The Idea Pile, but with a 10 point cost if yours is chosen. Throughout the year I'll be picking favorites and making what will range between a colored sketch or a short animation based on what is submitted, depending on how much fun it is. October & April will be subject to "people who have not been chosen in a while/ever" conditions. This starts in January, so start sending me your ideas now so that I can start cataloging them.

With this, you can expect most months to contain an idea pile submission, a points-only auction, and subsequent points/money auction(s) in addition to whatever personal works I do.

Borrow Your BBW's

I have something in mind for Jenifer's comic so I'm planning this out way in advance.  I'll need to draw a lot of large overweight furry women \eve7 

If you would like them to make a cameo in this story, send me your OC's via private message to draw pinup-porny art of them. If yours is chosen, it will cost 5 points. The results will also be inserted into the comic. 

January/February Holidays

January has Appreciate a Dragon Day and February has Valentine's Day.  I have an animation in mind for Valentine's Day, but for AADD I'm thinking I'll make dragons January's auctions theme. Gery might also throw a party if he thaws out in time~

That's all I've got for now, and as always thanks for everything \ovo/



so wait we been able to submit idés to you whenever? o:


It was more or less discontinued a few years ago in favor of making it a holiday thing instead. But since doing that much takes me too long, I'm instead attempting to spread it out across the year. I'll post more details in January

Alex Kay

An interesting development for Flags Activated! Jen's always been kind of a misanthrope when she's not on the prowl so we might get to see a rare side of Jen, of her interacting with others who aren't Tevy. Of course, the call for BBWs could be about anything. Maybe it's in relation to Howie obsessing over them, who can say? Excited for 2023 regardless!