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As was mentioned in the discord channel, a patron had asked that I review the data that I get from Patreon as they were uncertain as to whether their point values were correct. To my surprise, they weren't, and in reviewing older data sources that I've saved learned that Patreon hadn't been recording this information correctly for quite some time, even using the old spreadsheet that I've been relying on all this time. Fortunately it's seemingly already been fixed as I've updated the spreadsheet. For transparency, here's the short of it in italics: 

- If you pledge in USD, you should be okay as it is, as there's no currency conversion messing with the numbers. There's no problem there. Even on the new data sheets that patreon provides, I can get the total amount pledged by combining the 'creators share' and 'fees' columns, and it equals an exact amount that reflects your pledge.

-If you are pledging from outside of the US, it becomes more complicated, as there's also a currency conversion involved, as well as an additional currency conversion fee along (possibly) taxes imposed by the country. Even if all those values are added up, it doesn't necessarily equal the amount that the patron attempted to pledge. So a $5 pledge could end up only being counted as $4.93. To address this, I've applied a +15% to all non USD pledge formulas to cover any discrepancies. As tiers are $2 apart, it shouldn't over-attribute points, as that's determined by parameters that are >=$5 for Gold,  >= $3  and < $5 for Silver, and <$3 for Bronze. 

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. When I designed the spreadsheet I did tests and took sample data to ensure everything worked, but things have quietly changed on Patreon's end over the years. This update should address any discrepancies.


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