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...I don't know, maybe I'll PDF it later and a cover'll be needed...? D:\

At least it's honest :v


Oh, kerDUH, there WAS something to write about this! I used it as an opportunity to see how viable vector-inking in Clip Studio was! The answer was 'very'! I'm pleased with how it came out & how easy it is to manipulate, so I will be using it for the rest of the comic.




It's our fault??? Thank GOODNESS.

Deko Puma

The way you do that belly squish is fantastic

Ante Flan

bad stuff :O

Alex Kay

Happy to hear that the change should hopefully make the comic easier to produce!

Alex Kay

Just taking time to marvel at her figure, it's also worth reminding people that Jen's nearly 7' tall. She's a big lady, and these aren't small rabbits she's gobbling down!


Wow disclaimers galore! I'm happy to share in the collective blame. And I love the story because the build up has been just as entertaining (well, almost).


More room for future dates! Or bigger ones if she fancies something larger than bunny size.