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Learned how to make animated telegram movie stickers, it's everything everyone wanted and it got me psyched enough to spend all day trying it out :D I made this as a test run, cleaning up old art in flash. It works, with transparency too! ...But I'm pretty sure the format doesn't work well elsewhere so I threw together a BG and made a .gif version.

They are limited, in time and file size. The rules say 250kB and 3 seconds, and this is 238kb Something THIS complicated barely fits, so it's enough for short simple loopy things.

Tight squeeze :[ Do not leave bunnies alone with snakes, they'll go missing. 




I'll take his place! Looks like poor bunny has had enough. :3

Cheyenne Lee Swords

Ooooh I can't wait till the full animation is done, this looks amazing, I hope the bunny's descent is teasingly slow, and that there is plenty of drool added ~<3


Some hypnosis and resistance, please @_@


Would love to see the end of this.


So, what I'm hearing is "Leave bunnies alone with snakes, forever, all the time. In fact, if you see a snake, you should run up, set a confused bunny down on the ground next to them, and sprint away as fast as you can. Then the two will look at each other in mild confusion about what just happened- before the snake smirks, licks its lips, and starts coiling up the bunny."