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She's still coming along, I've given her Poyomi toon shading materials that seem to look rather nice. At the moment she has 6 accessories of things she's worn on the show (that unique pair of sunglasses, a feather boa (that I need to make look a little less like a pipe cleaner), pearls, apron, polka-dotted bikini and a sun hat), as well as a custom [sit] animation. Oh, and a bit of a belly slider, for reasons. There's 2 more open accessory slots, if anybody would like to propose one I'll consider it \o^o/

I'm not too sure what else she may need aside a custom AFK animation, because if there's anything I've learned from the past 2 avatars is that all the funtime features that I blow a stupid amount of time trying to get right end up not quite working well across the network because VRC's garbage about synchronizing stuff. i.e., Louie bombs won't always spawn, Mechadragon's involved animation tree ends up getting lost in the woods and freezing in place for some people, etc. Unity is also horrible for making these animations anyway and I'll likely forego custom locomotion because that also hardly works properly either once headset IK's are through with it :T The takeaway is to not bother animating stuff on the avatar 8[ Maybe some replacement actions like dancing/clapping if they suck for the model, but once you involve multiple layers it stops being reliable.

There's also a weird discrepancy on how Blender and Unity determine what the mesh should look like when a character bends and moves around, and I'll probably have to ask a number of people to test this out since when I asked a friend to do it the other day one of the legs kept having random rotation spasms that don't seem to appear in desktop.

...All this being said, chances are future avatars (if any) will be scaled back a bit and I now know why most people stick with Clothes Sliders and Toggles, since they work and don't cause you to bang your head on the wall :P



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