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She's coming aloooong and has passed the 'how does this look in VR (errr well maybe not FBT...)' test. Basic set of emotion states, fixed the tail a bit, and the first time baked textures behave like they should, probably because the geometry's not a mess :D

She'll get a few more before I move on to actions and toggle-able clothes and such. I tried keeping her on model, the only thing that might seem weird is if VRC didn't hide the head she'd have had a hard time seeing anybody unless looking down. Too snooty! Players might want to keep that in mind when attempting eye contact éve; ...her arms are short too, I'm told. 

This might be the last avatar that I make for a while, in part because I can't quite decide what else to make next and because it takes a looot of time to do these and most people are ambivalent about it o~o; Whatever DOES come next for 3D-land would have to be something more humanoid, these stubbyleg models don't play so nicely for FBT players. 

Comic will be taking higher priority, people have been responding to that quite a bit, but for the 6 or 7 people who also like this character I hope they like it when it's out




This is so lovely to see! As a fellow Hoppo Stan I can't wait to see her develop further. You captured her energy super well!

Thistle Thorn

Ah, yes, the lovely stuff I always look forward to