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 The story continues!

Not entirely sure how I'll be releasing this as it progresses. Possibly by having Patreon ahead by a page compared to the rest of the net, or selling the good parts as a downloadable or something... D:\ There's many pages left to figure all that out either way but it's a tough choice x.x; I gotta touch up that last panel >.>;




welp so close

Alex Kay

"many pages left" y'say? Well that puts a smile on my face! Back to the story, it makes you wonder how many buns have brushed an encounter with Jenifer and lived to tell the tale. Or does Jen always get what she's after..?


Reminds me of a Tumblr pic where she said about one bunny a week, so I guess not many ever escaped. 52 weeks a year since 2006 makes about 800 bunnies gobbled up give or take (not including other species she’s eaten). Talk about an apex pred undercover! (sorry for bringing math into this but it looked like an impressive number)

Alex Kay

Impressive, though considering how much of a stretching workout her stomach must've gotten over the years (not to mention how much... more of her success is showing), I can't imagine that a single bunny by now gives Jen the same stimulation as it once did. 🤔


Love Jenifer. More please.