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Hello again o^o/

Today's the official move date, but it's a bit of a slow crawl. I'm moving with family from an apartment to a new home. Due to the ongoing pandemic not everything falls on this date. i.e., furniture moves today, but refrigerator/appliances/internet's installation was delayed, so neither place is settled o~o; The good news is I'll be staying here mostly by myself so it means more alone time for making the usual travesties without interruption for maybe a week or two <:Dc I'll put together this month's auction when all the debris is out of the way, sometime today or tomorrow.

Also, I've mostly finished modeling the public VRC avatar I've been putting together. It's a Bomberman Louie~ He'll come with sliders, accessories, alternate skins and fun animations that I'll still need to put together. The coloring looks kinda flat with the toon shader that I mean to use, so I'll attempt an occlusion map this time around—or failing that, paint one myself.

As always, thank you for bearing with me. If anybody has any suggestions on what they'd like to see on him or to suggest a theme for this month's auction, please comment here or message me about it o^o/  




Maybe we can get a Louie to wear some of accessories from previous games like: shades, hats, etc.