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It's been a while since I've written anything life-related, but here goes~

I'd rather not make this too wordy but after 7 of the worst years ever I've finally quit my job. It's in part out of necessity, part because the company's dying, and part because management has been exceptionally aggro towards everybody since the company is dying. Gross. I'll appreciate this a lot more when I'm less annoyed about it but ooooo I wanted this for yeeears. (Also family intends to move very far away and that means starting life over anyway, so it's rather well timed.)

So after this final week of work, I have 1 year to get the ball rolling on whatever the hell it is I want to do and see what sticks. Possible/probable itinerary includes:

  • Finish April Fool's plans
  • More time to draw, actually finishing the stuff in my 'To Finish' folder
  • Comics & Animation
  • Learn how to code/do 3D modelling so that I can make games
  • Carrying out additional auctions each month. Some will be on Patreon some on FA, at least one monthly auction will be CalicoRewardsPoints-exclusive, others will be for money but points can be applied as a discount.

As a heads up/spoiler alert, April 1st will not be the monthly usual thing, it will be a gag stream. The real monthly theme for April will be doing an arbitrary number of color sketch requests throughout the month. If the request contains bunnies, pastels, or candy, it will grant points similar to December's special. Expect a post about it on 4/2/2020

That's all I've got for now, looking forward to taking a breather and life not being godawful for a while évè; It'll be like a real vacation, like summer vacation. If things go well, it won't have to end, so... 

[weak fanfare noises]



Sorry about the whole work situation having gone so far south... But at least you can get some VERY much needed R&R! Take some time for yourself; you've MORE than earned it, Scott~

Тимур Девитт

Considering how many bad things I've heard from you about your job, I'm happy for you! You've totally earned lot's of time for yourself! <3

Little Fluff

Glad to hear you're making moves to get away from that terrible place. I'll keep my paws crossed that this is the start of the seven BEST years of your life from now on!

Tyler Mann

That's awesome to hear! I've just done the same but I got an art job I actually love. And if you need a voice actor for anything for April Fools gimme a shout!

A Furry

Super happy for you ^^


that's really cool, maybe i can get soemthing from ya this month since I didn't get the christman one.


This, I'm going to try to hold bias/favor towards people who asked last time and didn't get theirs done.