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So Saturday evening while doing the Megalands stream I encountered what Flash said was '340 actionscript errors', in which it suddenly decided that none of the variables used in the April Fools' game were valid and all of the code ceased to function. Panicking, I started combing through all of it and trying to determine what the hell happened and whether or not I inadvertently added in another ; or { that didn't belong someplace or misspelled a command that blew it up, but couldn't find the cause. So instead I started creating all new variables and ensuring that there was no overlap between each of them and instances of frame labels, accidentally creating more issues because I guess there were 340 in total and not all of the references were accounted for and they're scattered across a timeline consisting of over 5000 frames. Then I mention it to a friend and he asked if I ran out of RAM. "Huh... well I AM streaming, farming FFRK Magia, have several chat apps running, have a youtube playlist rolling along with cookie clicker in firefox and am using RAM-hungry Flash and vectors but I don't see how it—oh..."

Close flash, close programs. Open flash. Test movie. Only the new errors I made trying to fix the imaginary ones are present. Facepalm at the loss of hours of productivity, spend another one ensuring everything is patched up and working again. This is how I ran out of time in making a full/finished game for April Fools—and realizing this, released a Lite version on FA wherein the notreallyfunnygagthatican'tjustifyusing is to remove nearly ALL of the content after a few seconds of playtime. 

I'll pick at what's left of the project over the course of the year to have the real one ready in time for next April Fools Day, but if you want to preview the rest of it you can download the SWF here. Even the finished pieces are going to be expanded upon since no longer under time constraints and I'll probably touch up some of the artwork and music too (I'm no musician but I can tell some of those tracks I made for it are terribad 8B)

Time-sensitive & major projects are now out of the way for the time being, so I can finally go back to sketches & colors for quite a while, that'll be this weekend's focus. 

Sorry :X



This was a fun distraction, my dude. I have to say I was dyin' to be Jen's plaything next :[ You don't suppose anything will happen when it actually reaches 4:20 at Mr. Smith's, yes?


Something DOES happen, yes, but that too is a tease :B Even more later next year