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The best of news—this is the last of the heavy animation. Like, the LAST-last. Also I painted a background for it.

All that's left is animating a burp, adding the rest of the audio, and maybe a few passive short idle animations... for reference, idle animations do not take up a lot of time to make. Like, less than a day, instead of MANY WEEKENDS é~è;; [burp] will also be brief. I don't think I can/will do one of these again, at least not one that goes on for this long, and even then, not for a while... because it'd be nice to just draw & color for a bit and I've got a ton of sketches to complete 8{ I started tossing those into a 'don't forget this stuff' folder.

According to flash, 73 seconds are finished. Next time maybe cap it to something much smaller. I've never made something this involved before and didn't realize that the longer it goes on the harder it is for Flash to handle processing a series of nested animations together. i.e., if you 'undo' after doing anything with the belly? Flash will crash. By breaking this up into a few smaller pieces, it will only freeze for about 10-15 seconds instead :X There's no use redoing the whole thing since it's nearly finished, but this wasn't happening when it was under 1000 frames, had I known it would start behaving this way I'd have structured it differently ;~;

Personal news… after 4 months of doing nothing, my boss finally got around to asking HR about cutting my hours and after encountering the first non-issue of a hurdle that doesn't even make sense decided not to allow it ¬_¬ Furious/heartbroken, I was really hoping to get some more time to catch up, but I guess I'm stuck doing this the snail way unless I burn up vacation time again. Please send him the opposite of prayers. Plagues. Send plagues.

April Fools is coming. If I break on this for now I should have enough time to finish what I had in mind for last year. Would sorely hate to disappoint :[

That's all for now, thanks for reading



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