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Sketch edition of some of the pieces drawn for Idea Pile Thing submitted by patron 'i'm into weird shit'.  Contains various pieces of Chip the Wolf :} There's a few more that are too sketchy but they'll all be cleaned up/finished.

Most of this weekend was otherwise spent working on the animation that I've been chiselling away at for.. ugh... A year 6.67 It's over a minute long, so that's something, but I thought I'd be done a long time ago and feel absolutely terrible about it. Future items for sale won't be remotely as complex and will already be mostly done so I can finish them in a timely fashion. Next year I'm also thinking of implementing a new rewards structure, once I finish it. 

My day job wears me out (like, physically—my drawing/mousing arm is severely overworked and my shoulder can't handle it like it used to) and the whole 'career' thing isn't really going anywhere. If anything I'm expecting them to have more layoffs next year, if they don't announce plans to move to a new state, which... would actually be welcomed—that would just be a real vacation that lasts more than like 3 to 5 days, for a change.

I hate making excuses and not getting enough done, it's torture. That being said, I've already asked the boss if I could cut my hours to a minimal level. Since end-of-year craziness has reached a slowdown period again, I'll ask them if it can be implemented now or at least starting January so I can finally catch up to where I need to be in terms of arts :X




We still love ya mate! Take care of your wing and yourself as a whole first and foremost!