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Work's been awful lately and I felt the neurotic itch to get something done, so I used a vacation day to do what I otherwise would do with vacation time if I were actually on vacation—work. Only it's work I like doing and that work is more animation :v

In this case, tummy animations. A day well spent :B While this loop isn't done yet (legs, tail, and lots of face to be animated in detail) It's probably one of the most complicated things I've put together :s ...probably why it takes an eternity to work with it 8{ Hands & belly together consist of 7 pieces moving independently. The belly is animated at mostly 24 fps, so each of those 7 sets needs inputting a designated drawing frame number into a menu to make it move, combined with motion tweening and making sure the pieces line up together without breaking stuff. 

Designing the character as best I can to accommodate all that helps considerably though I'm working with an ancient copy of Flash 8, which predates helpful things like bones and such. I bought Moho when it was on sale and that looks pretty impressive, so when this is done I'll start playing around with it. 

…Though when it's finished, it's gonna be a while before I tackle something like this again because I still feel bad for having given a completion ETA that was grossly inaccurate. Shaaaame ;^;

Thanks for reading~



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