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It's Valentine's Day already??? I'm so very much behind and time just *flies* these days… o^o;  I need a hyperbolic time chamber :c

I'll be cleaning up/finishing this series up for sure, but for now I'm still focusing on finishing the YCH animation I've been working on (more of that will be posted here this weekend)… I really don't want to rush anything and do shoddier work, and won't. The 2 things I've learned are that A) Do NOT underestimate how much time/work it takes to animate a thing, even if you've got it all in mind & are making steady progress—and B) Remember A next time a relatively larger-scale project is going to happen. 

Those photo booths are really tiny. Scott deposited $2.00 because the machine asked him nicely, but didn't know it'd start taking pictures immediately. Tevy wasn't ready yet and... well, disaster, as always D:> 

Idea Pile Thing submitted by GreatLizardX (love this one, thank you ovo)



Vausch Abendroth

Most people's photos don't include the one from a nearby security camera X3


These are looking great so far, really funny lol ^_^


Oh no these are mega cute, RIP Scott yet again ;n;