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This is more or less what my weekends and time-off-from-work has been like. By now I see it burned into my mind when I close my eyes, haha éve;;

There *may* be some artifacts in this gif but that's only because it's so huge >~>; The final flash version won't have those. Oddly enough the .swf is only 326kb. It'll be bigger once some audio's added, vectors take up very little space.

Can't help but feel I'm behind schedule <;A;> I lost some work twice due to being out of practice with flash and my shoulder was all kinds of messed up for about a week, but one tetanus shot later I'm climbing back on the wagon. I'm trying to take my time and not rush it, test-watching this again and again, redoing and tweeking bits and pieces here and there. But I'm rather happy with how this is coming out, hope you are too :x




This is coming along very well.