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As a followup to this post, Patreon's issued a mass apology and aborted their plans for a transaction fee hike in favor of keeping things as they are. Hooray~ <:D That being said, things can continue as normal until the next catastrophe.

2017 flew by :c And 2018's about to happen. I'll be working on a YCH animation commission for a considerable period of time, and previews will be posted here for those interested in seeing the progress. Even with tweenpuppets these can get pretty involved o~o; I wonder if anyone's interested in hearing some rants about flash or even some coloring methods… Probably not…?


For 2018, I want to start the year off doing one of the many comic ideas I've had in mind FOREVER but haven't executed. Any one of these would be fun, but I'll let you decide who gets theirs first..

- The One Who Got Away (Jenifer)
(Vore) Jen stalks the one boyfriend who escaped from being her dinner date... tldr: he doesn't get away again. 

- Pancakes (Tevy, Scott, guest murrsona Zero)
(Fat, Weight Gain, Vore) Tevy mumbles in her sleep about what she wants for breakfast; pancakes. Scott gets up early to make her some special pancakes, only for a fox to stop by and makes it his. But the pancakes are meant for somebody already supersized and they're surprisingly addicting...

- Pizza Time (Elenor)
(Fat, Vore) Elenor finally gets her pizza delivery, and it's only like 11 years late :D Still fresh, too! She keeps the delivery boy.

- All Year Elenor (Elenor. Duh.)
(Weight Gain, Fat, Vore) From summer to the dead of winter, Elenor transitions from a fun-loving friendly college girl to an unstoppable eating machine

- Bounty (Sesille)
(Vore, Overeating) It's the time of the month where the queen takes her snackrifices. This month she takes a few too many and gets a long writhing stomachache

- Eligible Edible (Mr Smith)
(Vore) Oops, Mr Smith forgot to bring his lunch. Somebody's gonna have to fill in, but a surprising number of employees are frustratingly too valuable to terminate. One of them is unluckier than the others.

- Public Nuisance (Gery)
(Inflation, Pouches) A dragon wanders into a village and makes SO MANY NEW FRIENDS!!! 

- Mice Suck (Pat)
(Vore) A mischievous mouse jumpscares Pat thinking elephants are terrified of mice. EAT HIM >:[

Wow these titles suck and are ready for TV syndication. Patrons, please pick your favorites (you may choose multiple) :v The highest ranked will be done first.

That's all for now, thanks for reading \o^o/



So uhh globbles is left out? wasn't there a sequence of globbles that you were planning on doing that you said on your tumblr a while back?