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"Yeah sure that's FIIIINE, just hand over that next plate a' cookies ¦3"

If Scott and Tevy were to switch bodies, Tevy would take it as an opportunity to eat as much as she wants without having to worry about putting on weight. Unbeknownst to her she doesn't EVER actually do that anyway, but now she's INTENTIONALLY binging and having Scott help her do it. Scott's body doesn't seem to ever put on weight, but it's no match for a Tevy-grade appetite…

Idea pile for Chaotick9



Deko Puma

I wonder if Tevy will be able to overcome Scott's resistance to fat? I'd be interested in seeing such a thing! Of course, I can only imagine what's going to happen the next time someone eats that tasty looking cat...


I love the way Tevy's (er, I guess Scott's, since he's currently occupying Tevy's body) belly sits in this picture, it's cute. :3c

Chaotick9 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 17:41:41 Very Cute <3
2017-05-30 21:22:37 Very Cute <3

Very Cute <3