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A lot of this stuff was posted to the WIP channel on the disco, but 3D models take so long to put together that I thought I should show some of it here too. I had a few things I had to do over again, but got to learn a number of new tricks and play with some new toys that'll make the process go more quickly in the future—special thanks to Lagos, without their advice I'd be in hair hell wearing out my fingers decimating high-poly hair strands by hand again. It turns out you just need to click/change values to like 2 things to save hours of work. yowch... :S I can only as good at this as the few tutorials that I can find allow me to be e~e;

Still have clothes, emotes/shapekeys and a ball to make along with maybe a few other things but it's coming along~ Ignore the last picture, maybe—that's what happens when you auto-weight paint a face with many bones :o



Alex Kay

Weight paint jumpscare at the end, XD


That face came out so good.