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I've written/rewritten this post a number of times already, not knowing what I should put in there and hesitant to say anything because I've been trying/failing to do this for the past few years, so... here's news, in summary!

As of last week, I'm officially moving into a place of my own D: It'll be gradual since the place isn't fully set up yet and there's a lot I'll need to do/figure out how to do, so this month has been/is going to be very weird. Plus side, when it's all finally settled I'm going to have a lot more freedom than before (or so I hope!)

[confetti], I guess!


Neutrality Flame

Nice its going to be very freeing Congratulation 🎊


Congratulations on moving! 🎉 Exciting times! I hope the new transition goes welll for you.


congrats scott! best wises