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We really appreciate you checking out our Patreon page and supporting this project! Your contributions go directly towards the art and development for On Your Day Off, and we're excited to keep working on this game for you to enjoy!

Currently, Patreon only supports recurring memberships, so if you'd like to sign up as a Recurring Supporter for $6/month, you've come to the right place and we can't thank you enough for pledging your monthly support! To show our appreciation, we have some pretty sweet benefits for you as a patron ;) 

  • Please note, benefits will begin on March 1, 2024; supporter-exclusive posts will be published on the 1st and 15th of each month, supporter-exclusive polls will be published as needs arise (and there are needs already!), and supporter-exclusive demo builds will be released when available (we don't have a firm development schedule, but we're hoping the next build will be ready in late spring). 

However, if you'd prefer to do just a 1-time donation, we totally understand and appreciate anything you're willing to contribute—every little bit helps! You can check out our Buy Me A Coffee page and donate as much or as little as you want to send our way.

And hey, if you want to join the growing community around this project, On Your Day Off has a Discord server you can join and we hope to see you there!

Thank you all so much!


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