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If you're a Recurring Supporter, you'll get free and early access to V0.5 on July 7! Not only that, but you'll also be featured in the game's credits as a supporter! If you haven't signed up for a membership yet and want to be included in the credits, you've got until July 5, that'll be the last date we modify the credits before getting ready for the release :)

That said, we just want to give a giant THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you for your support and patience as we've been developing the latest version of On Your Day Off! This has been such a terrific project to work on, and words can't fully express how much we appreciate all your constructive and positive feedback, your suggestions, your assistance in testing things out, and your willingness to wait for us while we bring V0.5 across the finish line. We're already looking forward to V0.6 (after taking a small break to recharge), and in the meantime we hope you enjoy V0.5 when it drops on 7/7!


Stormcario Gaming

Id like to be add if possible where do i sign up for it? ^^