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After Daddy Jesse humiliates you, degrades you, and takes all kinds of liberties with your body, it's time for him to really make you into a good pet. And for the big alligator who abducted you, part of that means shaving your fur off, as you can see in the excerpt below:

Of the two choices, razor sounds like the safer option to you, so you inch your head towards Jesse’s right foot, forcing your sore, aching muscles to work until your chin rests on his toes.

Then you look up at Jesse again, who grunts with pleasure.

Jesse: Good boy, I was hopin' you’d pick that one.

He kneels down in front of you and pulls you up to your knees—your legs are aching from having been stuck in one position for so long, but you hold yourself steady as Jesse cups one hand under your chin while his other goes into one of his apron pockets.

Jesse: Now, first thing’s first—Daddy’s gotta get rid of some of that fur for your collar.

You look at him quizzically, but then your eyebrows rise in recognition when you hear a loud BZZZZZZZZZ coming from Jesse’s apron.

The alligator grins as he pulls out a large, buzzing clipper, which he brings closer to your neck. You’re too shocked to even think of resisting, and Jesse—keeping his grip on your chin firm now—forces your jaw up, exposing your throat to him.

You: Mmmm!

You whine through your ball gag in protest, but it does nothing to stop Jesse from dragging the clippers through the fur on your neck.


You wince as he roughly shaves off a wide band that extends from your mandible to your clavicle—the fur falls away, exposing your skin to the warm, humid air.


You whimper and try to roll your chin out of Jesse’s grasp, but his fingers are like a vise-grip, and he works quickly to shave your entire neck from front to back. When he’s done, he powers down the clippers and turns your head from side to side, inspecting his work.

Jesse: Not the cleanest, but it’s good enough for your collar.

Jesse: Alright, up you get."

Jesse puts the clipper back in his apron pocket before he hauls you up to your feet—your legs are numb and unsteady from having been bent for so long, and you almost crash back to the floor, but Jesse holds you upright.

You limply let the alligator lead you away from the shower and back into the main area of his playspace.

Jesse drags you over to the steel girder he pointed out earlier that has a long, thick chain welded to it, and a manacle attached to the end of the chain. He keeps you standing in place as he picks up the manacle and closes it around your neck—the metal is cold on your now-bare skin, and you shudder at the sensation…


He locks it, securing your collar with a heavy padlock. The alligator hums to himself as he holds you steady with one hand and uses his other to pull a knife out of one of his apron pockets. Jesse quickly saws through the rope binding your wrists behind your back, freeing your arms at last.

You could punch him…you could try to escape.

But Jesse looks at you sternly, as if he knows exactly what you're thinking.

Jesse: Now don’t make Daddy have to use the cattle prod on you.

If you weren’t so exhausted, you’d maybe consider risking the shock of Jesse's cattle prod to take the opportunity to escape. But your legs (and ass) are so sore that you can barely support yourself; you just don't have the physical capacity to run.

And even if you could somehow overpower the substantially stronger alligator holding you right now, you wouldn’t get very far thanks to the chain attached to the collar around your neck.

And then Jesse could just pull you back in and electrocute you into a shuddering, drooling mess…and then who knew what else he’d do to you as punishment.

You stand still and nod, conveying to Jesse that you won't give him any trouble (even though you'd love to torture him just as much as he's tortured you so far).

Jesse: Alright, boy, you can sit down.

Your legs struggled to support you this whole time, and you tiredly sink to the floor, resting on your rump with your aching legs stretched out in front of you. Jesse rumbles approvingly before he steps around you. You hear him reach into his apron pocket…


You don't have to look to know that he's pulled out the clipper and turned it on again. But you do flinch and pull back when Jesse grabs your left wrist.

Jesse: Don't you even think about it, pet.

You can hear the cool anger in the alligator's warning, and you sigh as you allow your arm to go limp. Jesse raises it above your head…and you flinch when you feel him begin dragging the clippers through the fur on your hand, your wrist, your forearm, and your bicep.


Orange fur with black spots and rosettes falls aaway from your arm as Jesse, like some kind of sick barber, methodically shaves it off. By the time he releases your left arm, you see that your limb has been completely denuded of fur, from your fingertips to your shoulder.

You look on in disbelief at your smooth, pale pink skin, unable to process the fact that you've lost your beautiful, silky coat.

Jesse gives you no time to mourn, though; he unceremoniously grabs your right arm and begins repeating the process, shearing off the fur covering your hand before he works his way up towards your shoulder.

Jesse: You know, as cute as you are with all that fur, it's gonna be hard to clean after playtime. You'd get so matted and crusty, it'd be almost impossible to wash out all that grime you're gonna get coated in.

Jesse: Don't get me wrong, I'd love to paint your fur with my cum all fuckin' day, but we've gotta be practical, don't we, boy?

The burly alligator finishes shaving your arm, and he steps around you again to stand before you. Jesse kneels down and picks up your right foot by the ankle; you sit there forlornly as you watch him begin shaving your paw, getting between your toes and between the pads on your foot.

The buzzing clippers tickle your sensitive spots, but you hold still, not wanting to incur Jesse's wrath at your disobedience.


When he's done with your foot, Jesse he moves up your calf and thigh, making sure to get every inch from front to back.

Jesse: When you think about it, part of being a good owner means keepin' my pet healthy, and good hygiene starts with good groomin'.


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