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WARNING: Has themes of breaking the bed and tons of breathy and pronounced moans as well as whispering things under breath and lots of spoiling themes~







Katsuki's Firecracker

Hope you’re resting well, Cece! Could we maybe get OC content soon? I miss the lovely characters you have created ❤️


YAY thank you cece!! I'm so excited to listen, much love! please rest and I'm so excited for all your plans c:


I've missed Oikawa~ thank you Cece!


Stop it!!! 🥺🥺 I will enjoy this audio. I'm a sucker for these kinds of audios. Yes I can do the wild ones but these just make me feel all warm and fuzzy

ai 📣

Happy, soft love ♥️♥️♥️

Tabitha Guss



God I both hate and love this man

abi ♡

OIKAWAAAA. i’m yodeling rn what a treat 🫢


OIKAWAAAAAAAAAA MA'AM YOU GONE MAKE ME ACT UP!!!! My absolute love 🥰🥰. Also breaking the BED!! Come on now 😫😫. Have a lovely rest of the day girly 🥺🥺. Thank you for the treat, love you 💖💖

Mackenzie Delisle

I was JUST watching a few different Oikawa ones last night. I'm so excited to watch this one ^_^ Karma, Kuroo, Oikawa, and evil Deku are my favorites <3

Mako Dazai

this is such a treat dont mind me im just going to snack attack this man


I've been missing oikawa, so I'm SO GLAD he's back 🤌🏼🌟✨🌟✨🌟🤩

Feral Idiot

Okay summer beach episode Kawa less gaur 🗣️‼️


i saw breaking the bed and screamed 🤺‼️


These moans hit different 😩👌 Not even that. Those kisses 😩😩 those are devouring kisses. This man wants you. You can feel the need in every single slow paced kiss. I'm a blushing mess from that ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄ Even the choice of words to describe the intimacy was different. This might be one of my favorite oikawa audios by far. Like I said, I'm a sucker for those romance audios and this one is it.


hello king

Moonlight memories

I'm going to listen to this on my way to work


gosh as much as I love the more rough stuff nothing beats the soft I’m completely melting!!🥹🥹


Oh wow 😧💗! I’m currently in the process of letting go of some longtime, albeit toxic, friendships. It’s been a long grieving process 😞 but I feel like I’m finally reaching acceptance and believing I’m worth kindness again. And here, it feels like he’s reading me like a book and making me feel worthwhile 😳🥺🥹! This is amazing as always, Cece 😣💗!! Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed 😭! Thank you! 🙏🏼


The King of my heart is back and I LOVE this side of Oikawa so damn much. Feeling extremely loved and appreciated by him is definitely heartwarming and good lord those moans get me every time. 🥵


This was both wholesome and very sexy and hot. Loved it and loved hearing him again! 💜


IM GONNA SCREAM AJJDJFJJR THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU OMG OIKAWA MY BABY AHH THANK YOU CECE I WORSHIP YOU 🙏 😭 🧎❤️❤️❤️ I’m gonna listen to it to get me through the last few hours of work and will update this comment with my thoughts later 😭❤️ My summer has honestly been made with all your Oikawa audios and I’m always greedy for them oof Edit: This was so so so fluffy and sweet and soft and passionate omg 😭🙏 thank you for this, it was so healing. He deserves all the hugs and kisses. I love your take on Oiks’ maturity over time and his voice sounds better and better every upload. Thank you again for indulging us Oiks simps ❤️❤️❤️


He is so sweeeeetttt! I love him so much! 💜🫠💜


Okay this is so close to Monoma’s voice and mannerisms I’m super satisfied 😂


Now that I'm coming back to this audio for comfort, and I still love it so much orz, but is the crackling towards the last half of the audio just a me problem on my device or did something happen during recording/rendering? I don't see anyone mentioning anything so I'm wondering if I'm having device issues 😬


Pretty sure they're supposed to be fireworks? Like a festival is happening in the background? But I'm not sure


OH I HEAR THEM NOW I'M STUPID I bumped the audio to 90% and the festival is audible now, before it just sounded like random scrathes on a vinyl, I guess I just don't listen to the audios loud enough lmao But even then it feels a little scratchy for me, the first 2 minutes are a little off putting but the more I listen to it the less I tick off so that's that for me


Omg the 'not yet' holy that had me feeling some type of wayyy .///.


if this aint me rn as well omg, zoom this ones at the top of my lmao welcome back to patreon list

Tabitha Guss

Finally gonna try to catch up since it’s quiet today and my focus can be split by gaming/listening to this.

Tabitha Guss

Nevermind xD my dad is cutting grass right now so I’ll pause on this for the moment

Tabitha Guss

The romance in the softer audios is everything. 🥺 Sure being railed is great too, but I’m weak to being treated like I’m their treasure. /////


Ooooooo, I'm liking the sfx that you've added to the background Cece. You may think they don't add much to the story, but trust me, they do. It helps with the immersiveness. It gives a hint of where yall are at and what yous are doing. Plus, I think little details like that make the audio much more enjoyable 😊😊. My only critique would be to make it a bit louder to fit better, but that's only my opinion 🥰🥰. "You tend to get jealous when we go to public areas when my fans get to us." The call-out 😀😀 Okay, him saying, "Do you want to know why I take so many selfies with you?" in a sad tone made me smile a bit. I know he's being sincere, but I don't know why it's such a funny sentence to say while in a sad mood 😂😂. 22:08 THAT KISS IS SO GOOD!! The mouth sounds are so on point. Oh God, the groans are getting to me. 27 Why???? Why did he have to sensually say "fuck" like that?? 😀😀 You trynna kill me?? Is that it?? HIS MOANS!!!....His moans 😫😫 Stay happy and healthy, Cece. Love you 💖💖


i love himb

Kirinkatoki B-K

Not him wanting to beat someone up that fast😂 I love when nicknames are just thrown out there🤭 Aw this is so visually appealing☺️ I was singing “as long as you love me” and he said “I love you too”🥹 He takes selfies with us🥺👉🏽👈🏽 ARE THOSE FIREWORKS🙀🥹 This was so good😫