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This goes out to those struggling rn, I know life feels at times very dark, but I want you to know you're special to me and I'm certain to others as well. Don't give up! we're in this together! Love you all so very much!!



Thank you for your strength Yato-Kami 🌸💖🌸💖🌸 I pray for your well being and successful recovery.


Thank you 🖤 as always, your effort and kindness are felt through your audios. I know I’m not the only one who needed this, but it feels very personal and genuine. Thank you🥰


how did you know i needed this? thank you so much and PLEASE take care of yourself ❤️


Thank you so much. I can't put into words how much this means to me. I've been listening for a long time now. You've helped me through many downs as well as brightened my ups. It's hard to explain but I feel I understand that you feel me. I think empathy and kindness has no limits. I've always felt care is a verb and I feel your care. I hope you know that I'm not just grateful but I'm also rooting for you. I hope you know that I genuinely wish you the best and I hope with all of my heart that you and this community can be as happy, content, and fullfilled as we can...through the ups and the downs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.


Definitely needed this today. Thank you so much 💖


Thank you for this, Cece 🥹 Thank you for always caring and worrying, for always wanting to give your best to those in need. You’re so very special to us too, and I’m so glad and grateful someone like you exists. I always will be. Wishing you the world, wish you love, warmth, and happiness. I wish you roses. Thank you so much again for everything

Dabi's main chick

Of course this made me cry in the best way possible. It felt so good to get it all out and listen to a compassionate voice. Thank you so much Cece, you ease our sorrow and struggle.

Meli VonCherry

;; ♥️ Now I am crying, Love you Cece! I'll do my best!! ♥️ You too, take care! I am very proud of you!! TYVM for everything you do!


You have no idea how bad I have needed to hear this.... I have been falling apart and no one has listened to me and I was about to give up.... you're words really do help so much. No one in my life says anything to help they all ignore and dismiss how I'm feeling Someone I have only heard the voice of madness me feel so much better than anyone in my actual life. Please stay safe. You're an amazing person and have helped so many of us. Thank you ❤️


Well done CeCe so sweet and affirming.


Thank you so much for this. I needed this so so much!! I love you, I love you, I love you!! 🩵🖤 please take care of yourself!!


Oh my heart, this is so lovely. Thank you for this.


This audio is so special to me, I’ve been going through one of the hardest times of my life. Someone very dear to me recently got diagnosed with cancer. Cece I cannot thank you enough. Please take care of yourself love and we’ll all get through this together 💞


Thank you 🙏🏻

Malina Patane

Thank you so much for this audio! A kind word and heartfelt emotion in a time of darkness and worry...I needed this. Thank you Cece!


This was so needed. Thank you so much. This made everything a little better.


I’m going to download this so I can listen to many many time and when I find hard times in my life,I will remember there are a person that love and appreciate who I am.


ty so much this is so sweet and just what i needed now

Tabitha Guss

This time of year is rough, even if I say I don’t cry for my mom anymore-the summer months are harmful to my mental health. Plus my period is here now ;(

Arcana (He Him)

I had to come back and listen to this, Cece. The world is being mental right now. I've also had an overload of stuff to do and think about. I think I need time to compartmentalise and focus on just one thing or a couple.

Meli VonCherry

I love all of yours comfort audios but this one is one of my favorites ;; if not the number one it's on my top 3, thank you for your kind words Cece, 💕

ai 📣



Just know it gets better ❤️

Anna Sweet

I was on the verge of a breakdown from (lack of) work and financial stress and feeling alone, desperately looking for a comfort audio so I could at least feel less alone while I cry out all the depression that’s been brewing for the last month and I found this. Target audience reached. It helped keep me grounded and stopped me from fully spiraling. I even got up out of bed and turned on lights to look in the mirror and tell myself I’m a good person.


I needed to hear this so very much. So much has happened in my life and today just felt like a culmination of a shit life with a shit outcome I'm trying to turn into a fairy tale. I can't tell you how much it helps. Especially the part about healing being a process.... Thank you ❤️💓




Ope crying at work~ thank you for this 💚💜