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Hi hi just a reminder that if you find any gender errors in audios please always let me know if you can! I will always try and fix them, I apologize that they ever happen, honestly I struggle with figuring out some aspects of editing as it requires an immense amount of focus for me not to miss anything. I only ask for patience and understanding! I will be happy to always own up to my goof ups and make them right! Love y’all!!



Thank you cece please get better we all love you 🥰

Kara Tyrell

Cece you're amazing.


I'm sure we all very much appreciate your efforts. I certainly do. ❤

Katsuki's Firecracker

Thank you so much for your work. Please make sure to rest and take care of yourself!

Common Ghoul

Thank you so much! And PLEASE for the love of everything get some rest and save your voice!!!!


Woohoo! Will we still be getting a new Hawks audio soon? If not it's cool! Just missing my bird boy❤️‍🔥 anyways love you Cece hope you're doing fantastic! Still loving your work and everything you do 💖💖💖💖


Will do cece!😚💗

Yasmin Marie Tolliver

Thank you for all the hard work you put towards your audios.😊


Love and appreciate everything u do cece love <3

Ridley Ghost

I deeply appreciate you being inclusive!

Meli VonCherry

Thank you Cece. It's already a lot of work making 3 different versions of every audio! The least we can do is understand the situation, Everyone makes mistakes :3 so don't worry to much about it! You are doing an amazing work like always!! *hugs* :3 Don't be to hard on yourself, take care!


I'm surprised you don't have someone helping you with audio. You do a great job though. Not criticizing or anything I love your audios. Man if I still had my editing programs, even though I'm a movie and still a self learner, I'd love to listen to help catch mistakes. But all in all you do great work and just make sure you aren't pushing yourself to hard <3

Itz Noah

Yagami! I have a very special request/idea!! 🩷

Malina Patane

You already put ao much hard work into the audios you give us, I understand that every creative person isn't perfect. Even if they strive to be, but mistakes happen. I'm happy to get your audios even with mistakes. ❤ thank you again for everything you do!


The only one I’m aware of is the ending of Female Purr Just for Me Hawks audio, he calls the listener prince instead of princess😊

Yep Yep

No apologizing, Cece 😸 You always put so much effort and heart into your work. We just don't want you overdoing it, overthinking/worrying or pushing your voice too much. A lot of us know what a nightmare organizing and editing can be! Rest up, have fun and enjoy yourself! 🌹


Editing is a lot of work! Maybe you could do a bit of a "behind the scenes" tour of your process at some point. I know a lot more work goes into your audios than just sitting down and recording.


It's all good, everyone makes mistakes and it says a lot that you're working with the community to improve things! Take care!

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

I've heard like 1 or 2 but I don't remember where they were, or it was in a very old audio 🤔 But editing is hard and it's human to make mistakes (even repeated ones, trust me I know that from personal experience), and that's ok. I'd even consider these as "small" mistakes (even though I get how people can feel hearing the wrong word used), at least compared to some I've listened to where they don't edit out entire lines that they redo. But as I said, editing is hard, and even more so when you're making 3 different versions


Don't worry, mistakes happen. I'm already thankful enough you make NB content with such quality. ☺️


I need more of my baby tamaki 🥺

Mochi C

Can you do a adrien cat noir audio or kenma plz




I am super excited about the bakugo’s birthday one thank you so much for everything 💕

Elusive Lily

Hey I've been really liking the mix of hard and soft stuff here lately! The variety has been great!!


I am curious if you'd like similar notifications for errors if you used the wrong word in general or mispronounced something? It's rare and also you're absolutely amazing but occasionally I notice those kinds of things. If not that's 100% fine!!


Can you please make an audio where bakugo convinces listener to leave toxic relationship? It's for a friend 👀👀👀


I hope one day you’ll do an audio for Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man! I feel like he’d be such a cute sub.