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Trying to make an audio with an energy rather than a specific character! If you have someone in mind that's fine but don't tell me! I wanna make this pretty fun and see what we can collectively come up with! I'll pick at random! Should be fun! Depending on the idea it may be a 7mih or a 5 tier one! Not sure but will see what happens! 



Break the fourth wall. Have a character catch the listener listening to your audios!!

Pheonix Cooney

It's a stormy night and listener just ran out of gas. They end up in front of a "abandoned mansion". Listener goes in to get dry but they soon find out this "abandoned mansion" has a vampire character dwelling inside. Starts with a chase as listener tries to escape and instead of dying, they get turned into the vampire characters mate. Hardcore with BDSM, some horror themes, yandere with villain kink.

None Business

You both have had a long time crush on each other and they tease the living daylights out of you when they find out. Then spice ensues


Kink club. Listener is still very new to the kink scene until they decide to go to a kink club and bump into 2 Doms who are more than happy to help them discover their kinks and maybe more. Must include safe word/color usage.


The listener spends all their time taking care of everyone else, but who takes care of them? Maybe it's time someone stepped in and reminded the listener how to take a break.


Coming home from drinks, listener tried to get them to bed but character is pent up (soft dom, rough but slow and steady, mentions of marriage in the future)


Listener went into terrible debt and has to pay it back using their body as a public use sex machine. (They’re restrained to a wall in some way) The character stops by to use them and relieve some stress. Could end with the character falling for listener and figuring out a way to free them and go on the run or smth OR the (villain?) character is the one that has to be the sex machine and the listener stops by to use them but when things start to get heavier the character breaks the restraints and takes over?! Idk but I think it’s a great way to incorporate some free use and CNC themes :))


1 - character walking in on listener playing with themselves because the character has been away for some reason, 2 - wound up at a party and escaping for shenanigans, 3 - forced marriage where the character wants to make the listener feel better, 4 - I am always soft for a yandere so anything on that theme


You work hard for little recognition. They see it. They also catch you asleep at your desk. They can think of better places for you to sleep. Like their bed.


Listener and them have a “cooking cake” sort of date, but it ends up in throwing sugar/ icing at each other’s face until one overpower the other by tackling on the floor. Oh noooo, now that you’re both covered in sugar/cream you’ll have to clean up 👀

Amanda M

A loving, sensual bathing scene. Something that evokes warm touches, reassuring massages, and light teasing as it leads into more spicy scenes. Maybe cleaning up and tending to wounds after a battle? Or just a long day at work with needed comfort. Or perhaps they've away a long time and it's their first time back


Aftermath of an attempted kidnapping with them and the listener and then have tender relief sex (they could even save the listener and be so happy the listeners okay)


2. Villian kidnaps Listener and brainwashed Listener into loving Villian, forgetting hero. Hero must rescue Listener and regain memories. My favorite soap opera plot!


listener is a bratty sub with one partner and a dom with the other partner. (poly situation). listener is trying to rile up the partners by flirting with their friends. the listener is trying to get punished XD

Katsuki's Firecracker

Let me throw out another flavor: Hero Character going missing on a mission and there’s no contact. Listener obviously freaks out and spends the time panicking, and when the hero comes home, desperate emotional feral smut. Like, “I would fight Death himself to be by your side, you know that” kind of vibes. 😩😩😩 Have some angsty (could even start with a voicemail of the character trying to reassure listener that they’ll be fine before it cuts out abruptly) before the character gets home.


I'm all for more subby audios and/or poly ones and I think is fun when the characters seem in control, but then listener knows the truth and acts on it. I think is lovely seeing a "confident" character slowly, but surely admitting and giving in and have that sweet conflict between their pride, what they crave and so on. And also, I saw people mentioning what if listener does this or that and gets punished, which might be fun for them... but I'd propose something like that but the character being in that role. Also, sleeping aids in general long/er comfort audios or just hanging out with characters are always welcomed. Those ones in which it feels like listener is having a conversation with them and they want for answers and such are cute too.


Like an enemies in denial audio idk if that make sense but like « I hate you with from the bottom of my heart » *kiss the listener passionately* Like angry will loving it’s a trope I love 😩✨


Listener is supposed to be guarding the captive but can't resist a peek, and although afraid, they get taken in by their intoxicating words and dangerous presence.


Maybe a longing audio - where passion rises after being apart for so long?


I mean-- Not tryna be a hopeless romantic but-- *cough*Date audios filled with sweet fluff and affirmation, outfit compliments, general "the world only revolves around my love" vibes, light teasing and cuddles.*cough* *cough* Would be a nice sfw option! ^^ We don't talk about my nsfw preferences (〃´∀`)


I mean-- Not tryna be a hopeless romantic but-- *cough*Date audios filled with sweet fluff and affirmation, outfit compliments, general "the world only revolves around my love" vibes, light teasing and cuddles.*cough* *cough* Would be a nice sfw option! ^^ We don't talk about my nsfw preferences (〃´∀`)

🌸💗 Yนϻΐko♛ 𝑺𝑎𝑘𝓾𝒓𝑎𝒾 💗🌸

The character and the listener going to the beach with their friends… Or conforming to us after a nightmare we have… If you want to add NSFW I accept if gladly 👀 Thank you for everything and love ya Cece 💖


I recant, lactation kink


A game of would you rather


Hanahaki disease scenario, it can be the listener of the character who has it and the other one confesses to them so the disease can stop uwu


Ooh! Arranged marriage or soulmates au!

ABG Alliyah

Hear me out sumn that could happen irl like meeting at a public place like a bar or maybe workplace

Your girl150

Little space comfort, maybe a sleep aid/ bedtime routine? little space content

Your girl150

Listener x charcter The listener tries to Dom the character and fails to do so and the character takes control and is super arrogant about it NSFW audio ideas


Listener needs help dyeing their hair so character helps (is new to it or not very good). I feel like it could be so cute for listener to be trying to teach them and character getting flustered bc they just want to do their best🤩 could even be a full spa night with facemasks and painting nails!


Listener was unreachable for a couple of days and SS(special someone) is freaking out about it wondering if they're hurt but then starts to worry if Listener is ghosting them cause of something they did or didn't do. Listener shows up from visiting a friend or family member and it's revealed that they broke their phone when they were visiting. SS very relieved and very affectionate at first that everything is fine but then punishes Listener( in the best way) for making them worry


A quickie before the big game 👀. To help with nerves ✨💅🏼


Alternatively, begging. Just straight up begging listener in a public space because they’re so horny and they need you so bad.


Or something with lots of premature ejaculation where listener has to train them

Alma Razo

Might as well add more to the pot here: -A nerve or soul grounding audio or affirmation and confirmation from a power struggle. -Club scene. Dance floor break where listen is caught by a watchful eye. Maybe their own partner or said stranger has been people watching and listener has been unknowingly capturing energy from many onlookers. Said new protagonist saves listener from someone getting to touchy. "Hey, hands, watching is great. Keep it that way and don't touch them/her/him." leads to no violence just minor public humiliation of the strange encounter. Listener doesn't know either to be glad but wistfully keeps distance from the crowd at this point and follows. Protag, stranger/partner. In the dancing, listener has confession that they have come along with the intent to antagonize/make them jealous and this leads to saucey power struggle. Leaves club. Finds anywhere not in public. Nsfw or sfw. Maybe they are too intoxicated to manage themselves to find somewhere secluded. Sloppy/friction/clothing kink/dom to sub back to dom energy or vis versa. public display of affection


VERY late to the party here, but an idea popped into my head just now. The "trapped together in a box" trope with the listener. I know it's a little silly, but it could be soooo much fun. 😏🫠 Doesn't have to be a literal box either. I've read a couple fanfics where heroes were snooping around a bad guys' place when the bad guys come back sooner than expected & the heroes have to squish together in a broom closet or a pantry. You could also do a college athletics thing where listener gets caught in the men's locker room & the character pulls them inside a locker when the rest of the team comes back. Even better if there's a size difference and the character is significantly larger than the listener. ❤️🔥 ETA: there's already sexual tension between them, which just makes it worse when they hear two of the people they're hiding from hooking up. 🤯 Or it could be that the listener & character are honestly doing something completely innocent, when the character's roommate(s) come back early so they can hook up. Like, neither the listener nor the character had any plans of getting in the other's pants and ✨woopsie✨ those thoughts are pushed front & center.


Eats u out under a table while having dinner with someone until they notice and join to share/eat “desert”


I’m sorry if this makes anyone uncomfortable, but I have trauma relating to bjs and it’s hard to find an audio where the woman gets head. Usually it’s just the guy or both of them, so it’d be refreshing and comforting to see something female worship-y like surprise cunnilingus or something

kateesha w

is a sleep paralysis demon but instead of feeding on your fear. It feeds on sex, organisms. Demon has chosen u as their favorite meal.