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This one goes out to anyone and everyone who has had to suffer through such terrible things, it took a lot to make this kind of audio as I have personally experienced the subject and generally have spent a large portion of my time on this earth blaming myself and just generally holding myself accountable unfairly despite the abusers in question being, well just that. You are not to blame, and while I think its human nature to try and imagine, relive and try and think of "what if I.." situations, know that its not your fault, its never your fault as a victim of such things.

I think with that said, I hope that you won't remain their victim forever, that you can see yourself as so much more. I know sometimes its easy to regress and relive it and feel like you're stuck. I feel like I am guilty of this many times over, as the situation felt like the turning point in my life in many ways. Though pain and trauma are terrifying don't let them win, please don't give up.

You're not alone, you'll never be alone and you can take heart in that you've saved at least one person with your kindness and positivity. There have been many times where I've nearly lost myself to trauma and genuinely would not be here if not for all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for existing and being such kind and wonderful people!

I love you all so very much and I hope you can heal and find strength to surpass being a victim to the trauma and sadness, and that you can find a way to be even more happy and safe, please never lose your heart and know you're so very loved!!


Meli VonCherry

Thank you for sharing it on tier 1 too 💕 this hit close to home... I better listen to it before sleeping, I am very sorry you had to deal with that too... I am sorry for everyone who can relate to this... It's so traumatic... and so hard, it is very difficult to trust someone again after this... 😞💔


Oh woah, this is a really serious topic to talk about and I'm glad you reached out to us and can be vulnerable with us. Thank you, seriously, for making this audio for those who suffer from these traumatic events. I hope as well they bring you comfort sharing them and making them. Love you Cece 💖💖.


I cried listening to this. A whole lot has been happening the past 2 months and I just needed some comfort from a kind stranger. Thxs CeCe💙


Thank you Cece... This hit so close to home and is just as much needed now as it would have been 7+ years ago. 1.5 years I've been away from my abuser and still the sound of his voice, seeing his name even, sends me right back to where it all began. Reminds me of everything I had to endure for almost 7 years. That contradiction of knowing I didn't deserve what happened to me and still having the "what if..." thoughts eat me up more often than I'd like to admit... Thank you for this audio. For the comforting words and for being so open and vulnerable with us.


The serendipity of waking up to this masterpiece after a rough night with nightmares...holy shit thank u so fucking much


Oh babygirl, what a lot of heart in this one. Thank you for sharing and letting others know theres birds of a feather to flock with.


This was so heartfelt and heartbreaking at the same time. Thank you for being so kind and sharing your journey towards healing with us. I so dearly hope we can help you feel loved and comforted as you always do for us. Thank you 🙏🏼

Yep Yep

This hits home so much, every word. It reminds me to not fearfully question what I would have become had those few vitally precious moments in my life that helped me heal from my past never came into my life. Also makes me wonder if I still bury things with habits of being a protector more than reaching out as someone who needs protecting. . .I always get confused when thinking about allowing myself to be the one to lean on another. This is so beautiful. I feel so calm and less tense after a week full of a busy mindset. . . Thank you, and I genuinely hope you, anyone, everyone, feels any amount of tension or that weight on their shoulder slip off from this, to cry it out if needed. This is a place full of love and support.


Thank you for making this 💖 I’m actively going through a lawsuit against my abuser and I really, really, REALLY needed this.


so... im gonna have to skip this one... its just too hard for me to listen to it right now. im sorry. ill try in the future. (edit: started it and started to get emotional...i can't be emotional at work lol)

Melissa Immerman

ive spent alot of my life being mentally, verballly and emotionally abused by my mother my little sister and father suffered too. I know ive been stuck in the loop for fear and just clinging to what have but I know immure then what I was. she acts like nothing happened and school didnt help with it either. you can fight this I swear you can!


I.. you... ughh making me fall even more the winged bird man.. but that's not the point here. Thank you. Really, truly. What I went through is tame compared to some others but I still wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And this.. it brought back the memories sure, but in a way that made me feel better about myself for what had happened. I freaking love you and why the hell did I nkt find out about you until now. Thank you ❤️❤️


(Sorry for the long comment '^-^) I remember seeing this audio pop up when it came out and for some reason, I felt scared to listen... which is odd for me as I'm rarely triggered. Still, I know that when I am triggered it affects me immensely so I didn't listen to this at the time as I wanted to just, well, ignore and downplay my past, thinking what happened to me would just fade into a distant memory that I wouldn't be able to recall or relive anymore. I would be able to finally get back to my normal, original self. But yeah, no, that didn't work, which became evident to me a few months ago when I last got triggered (despite escaping my abuser about 5 - 6 years ago) in the worst way I could have imagined (I don't want to trigger anyone else so won't go into detail). It was so sudden, and so fucking intense that I got completely pissed off with myself, thinking I would have acted differently now that I'm 'better', thinking I was stronger now and could keep my confidence and composure - but no, I proved myself completely wrong. However, I have recently accepted that I have fundamentally changed due to my trauma, I can never shed those memories or stop the flashbacks of when I was at my lowest points - and that is Ok. I hate that so many of us have gone through any type of trauma, as much as I would always wish it to have never happened, it has, but, we're still here, we're still human, we can move forward, we have the choice to not let it run our lives, we are in control. I needed to accept myself as I am, I needed to stop blaming myself too, to stop trying to make what I went through seem as though it was something small- it changed me. Finally accepting that, I needed to hear this audio and fuck I just feel so... so valid, for the first time... I even opened up to a friend of mine while caught up in so many emotions, I would never have if I wasn't as caught up as I was, the instant reaction from her to tell me I'm wrong when I attempted to blame myself and downplay everything was so god damn comforting to me too, I again felt validated, truly felt that the blame is all on my abuser - which is what I would tell anyone else who had gone through any form of abuse. I really needed this audio, I adore the NSFW stuff, but the comfort speaks to my soul... I am still healing when I thought I would have been healed by now, heck maybe I won't ever be fully healed, but I atleast accept that I can't go back to the 'me' before, so all I can do is move forward and understand this is me now, and that is completely Ok. I can't thank you enough Cece, for this community you've built, and these audios you make us - I've commented before thanking you but yeah, I just can't not do it because it really, truly, has pulled me out of so many dark times, I desperately hope you get the comfort you need in your life - online and offline - thank you for everything that you do for us, much love ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Days after the anniversary of the event for me, I can't tell you how much I needed this. This time of year I always struggle with depression and thoughts of ending things but this year, I was so hyper focused on your audios, that I was able to stay calm up to and throughout the day of so thank you so much.


I needed this. Intrusive thoughts from childhood trauma has been coming up a lot more lately.. and hearing this is giving me the strength to know that I think it's finally time to talk to start working through it and therapy. Even though I'm scared and terrified and breaking those amnesia barriers I know I have to do it to heal and I know it's about time. Thank you for making this and helping give me the strength to finally be able to start working through it I know it's going to be hard but I can rely on your audios