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Hi hi all! Had lots of fun making this and hope you enjoy! Workin on the interlewd rn actually! Will upload it asap! Love ya'll lots and hope you enjoy!! 



Katsuki's Firecracker

Cece, this is INCREDIBLE! This episode showed so much of Bakugo’s personality in terms of the stress affecting him and needing a break, and hearing him in action and that more commanding side was so cool. There’s so many directions that this story can go in, and I’m so excited to hear what happens next! Thank you so much for your incredible work on this! Your storytelling never ceases to amaze! ❤️


Plz keep these coming until the end I love it


LIVING for the sound design 😆💕👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼!! I only have a faint idea of what the Backrooms are exactly but I’m enjoying this series so much I’m gonna have to do some research 🥰 Thank you Cece!!


What a sweet start to the Boom Bois audio 🥺🥺 It's only been about 40 seconds and already the sfx be rolling in. You really put in a lot of effort into these Backroom audios Cece 🥰🥰 When he said someone was waving to us I immediately got scared. I don't know what it is but just the thought of you being in a creepy ass building (or whatevs) and there's just one lonesome person standing down the hallway just freaks me out. Waving AND RUNNING AWAY?! Don't you dare follow them. Being with Bakugo in the Backrooms is kinda like being invicible 😂😂. This man will destroy everything, ain't no dying here 😂😂........Edit: He has not died.....but I am starting to rethink my statement 🥲🥲 22:58 I don't know why but I found this little moment funny, especially the sound he makes when he got winded 🤣🤣🤣....I mean poor Katsuki 🥺🥺 NOOOOOOOOOO! NO! NO! NO! WE HEALED TOO QUICKLY 😭😭😭😭😭. PLEASE I ALREADY KNOW WHERE THIS IS HEADED!!! PLEASE I WILL SERIOUSLY CRY IF THIS TURNS OUT HOW I THINK ITS GOING TO TURN OUT!! 😭😭😭😭. Please be nice. You know even though the music at the end sounds kinda sad it's also very relaxing. It's very chill relaxing music 😩😩. Kinda reminds me of Halo 3 ODST. This audio has such a different feel to it. I keep getting lost in the story, Bakugo and the 'Game.' Everything is just so immersive. It's incredible how much effort you put into this and how far you've come with your VA and editing skills. The SFX is spectacular, and the VA is god-tier. From his vulnerability, the grunts of his pain, his anger, and his worry for the listener, all of this is on what I feel is a professional's level. You did an excellent job on this audio Cece. I can't wait to hear more and see what you've got for us. Stay happy and healthy, love you Cece 💖💖


Omg Cece, your storyteller abilities are amazing. I am NOT a Katuski fan but you make him loveable. This backroom theme was incredible, the sfx and the background music!! Gurl!! You slay. Me.


The healing fast, I think is from the energy bars. But I’m thinking it can go three ways..1) Energy bars..but then, he shouldn’t of healed fast too. 2) We’re not actually there with him and he’d missed us so much that this is all in his mind..which would be really sad..him losing it down there by himself but thinking we’re there with him. Or 3) We were there, but died already and are helping him get out. Also he dead arse could just be in a coma and this whole back rooms is in his head in it..but I don’t think it’s that one.


I meant should** not shouldn’t of lol


If it’s anything other than the energy bars or just some weird time ish or something in the back rooms. I’m gonna cry lol..we’ll be crying together. I hope we’re actually there with him and everything’s fine and we get out 🤧

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

In the game I know that the almond water heals injuries. The energy bars might do that as well, haven't really tried those when I've played 🤭


I still don’t think “we” (listener) is real. I just have this feeling. Idk…


While this is an interesting thought, I would cry on the inside if “we” weren’t-


Oh trust me(!) me too! I would be devastated! But there’s just moments that were sus.


These sound effects are really good because I was scared multiple times 😂. I love those stories !!! Very great job Cece ❤️


can not describe how much i love this! thank you for ur work!!<3

Weirdo _

I love this so much. You really always blow me away Cece. I do wish Bakugo sound more like an adult and less like his 16 year old self lol. But other than that, incredible work as always ❤️.

Yep Yep

(Audio spoilers) Already off to a crazy and fun start X3 Katsuki? Going without blowing anything up~? Just getting so immersed in the story <3 33:50 that scream made me jump XD It's cute hearing him actually greet the little guy, too. ❤️Gochisousama❤️


Pretty please keep up the awesome work, Cece. If you do decide to continue this with another level, it'd be super fun to see Katsuki's reaction to either the leafy corridors or the poolrooms. (I hope I got that right, I'm ignorant to the Backroom levels) I'd like to think he'd have a slither of optimism seeing the sky with all greenery and flowers amidst the hard dilapidated concrete. Getting back to the lives you both had, and would live to the fullest once you get out. That or he'll try to get you in the pool for skinny dip/ bath to wash off all the bs we've had to endure thus far.


That "You're crazy" is kinda.. hot ngl..


“I’m calm and collected… Hey! That bastard just flipped me off!” Bakugo… you just… Thank God you’re pretty.

Kirinkatoki B-K

Not falling from the sky😭 The aggression and then he calms all the way down😂 He’s just talking but the way he says “fuck” @5:25 just🫠 The insult🤣🤣🤣he’s just irritable like me the poor baby Stop with the clown🫠😭 I said damn so loud when they fell outta that slide😂 The sound effects on this series is immaculate I’m definitely a bit of a pervert😌 The ending brought me a weird comfort with the clown🌚