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WARNING: Has themes of cheating(Not actual cheating, he just is possessive and knew you before your current love which he then makes you break up with because he's kinda you know, prideful guy XD) as well as lots of dominant but loud oikawa moans growls and general content as well as the snarky side to the princely bastard along with a long story of how you knew eachother for a long time :3 and a deep story of love lost and found again! Love ya'll!



Yep Yep (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 15:38:28 (Audio spoilers) Cocky, but still with the respect, keeping them safe, "We grew up together, honey." why did that make my heart flutter the way he said that softly? Alright, calling me out for a sensitive neck >/ / /< Him shakily admitting he feels this was his last chance to be with his love , the tremble in his voice finally pouring his heart out how much he missed, needed them, regretted every day TT/ / /TT Those sound effects <3 It really hit him pausing things to double check for them both, to be sure it was mutual and his own heart wasn't being toyed with, nor they pushing themself for him, I want to hug him and kiss his head! His higher pitch at the 69, growing unhinged and whiny when finally making love, unable to stop and going for more rounds @/ / /@ Sassy, yet sweet dedication and loving aftercare ❤️Gochisousama❤️
2023-01-01 01:01:40 (Audio spoilers) Cocky, but still with the respect, keeping them safe, "We grew up together, honey." why did that make my heart flutter the way he said that softly? Alright, calling me out for a sensitive neck >/ / /< Him shakily admitting he feels this was his last chance to be with his love , the tremble in his voice finally pouring his heart out how much he missed, needed them, regretted every day TT/ / /TT Those sound effects <3 It really hit him pausing things to double check for them both, to be sure it was mutual and his own heart wasn't being toyed with, nor they pushing themself for him, I want to hug him and kiss his head! His higher pitch at the 69, growing unhinged and whiny when finally making love, unable to stop and going for more rounds @/ / /@ Sassy, yet sweet dedication and loving aftercare ❤️Gochisousama❤️

(Audio spoilers) Cocky, but still with the respect, keeping them safe, "We grew up together, honey." why did that make my heart flutter the way he said that softly? Alright, calling me out for a sensitive neck >/ / /< Him shakily admitting he feels this was his last chance to be with his love , the tremble in his voice finally pouring his heart out how much he missed, needed them, regretted every day TT/ / /TT Those sound effects <3 It really hit him pausing things to double check for them both, to be sure it was mutual and his own heart wasn't being toyed with, nor they pushing themself for him, I want to hug him and kiss his head! His higher pitch at the 69, growing unhinged and whiny when finally making love, unable to stop and going for more rounds @/ / /@ Sassy, yet sweet dedication and loving aftercare ❤️Gochisousama❤️


THAT ENDING 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


LOVED THIS are you still planning on doing tsukki and yams? if not, that's okay