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WARNING: This has piss kink as well as hard dom/pleasure dom shiggy, some choking themes, some hair pulling themes, absolute control and blindfold/gag themes. A huge amount of degradation and praise respectively and a very gentle cooldown(comfort almost?) for those who want it :3 for those who don't just ignore the last minute or so :3 




This was exquisite. Your ability to get into character is unparalleled! Normally the soft wind down part I can take or leave, but the ending of this nearly made me tear up. Its probably the most realistic ending after a hard dom shiggy I've ever heard. So good

Vampy Vexxing

Piss kink thats new, i thought snowballing was enough 😆


i am shiggy's cute little cow 🐄 also piss kink 😳🧎 and the ending was so damn soft and cute 🥺


I couldn’t afford the Patreon for a couple months AND THIS IS WHAT I COME BACK TO?! 😳😳😳