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I know how many of you have gone through so much, you've shared with me so many of your stories through the many tiny interactions we've hand and the myriad of comments over the years, I love you all and know how tough it can be to accept your own feelings about things, and sometimes we force a tough face and try and be stronger than we realistically can be. The big and strong sometimes cracks at the seams and its ok to break down, sometimes its exactly what you need to heal. To face the trauma and sadness by admitting you're not weak, you're human.

It's ok to cry, there is no shame in it, no wrong in it when its true tears from the heart. I can't tell you how much I've cried over the past few years, its been some of the highest and lowest times of my entire life, but I can tell you it took facing that I'm not as strong as I wished to be yet to realize I was forcing myself to go way too far. It took so much to realize the trauma and pain had a grip on me even long after the traumatic and heart breaking events.

I honestly have felt so much happier since realizing and admitting to myself I was putting on a brave face and slowly getting past said brave face. I know its not easy and there is so many times when its easy and feels more normal to put on said brave face. BUT I think that in order to heal you have to face things when you're ready and stable enough to. I was a mess, I am still a mess to a certain extent but I'm slowly healing and this month has been a lot more positives than negatives for me :3 I hope that it can be that for you and I hope this audio finds you well, but just in case it doesn't please don't give up and give yourself time to face the struggles! You are more than  your trauma and pain. You are beautiful and wonderful and deserve the absolute best. And I know someday, someway, you'll find that hope and love and good things that you deserve even if it seems hopeless sometimes. 



Gia ☕

I needed this. I bawled my eyes out like a baby 😭 Thank you, Cece!!


This was so heart warming I sat here and just listened... the emotions you always bring out of me Cece is undescribable. You really are soo special. You're so talented and it's an honor you share it with us. I hope you can always count on me and everyone here in the community for anything. You're loved and you're beautiful and amazing!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

L Doering

Absolutely loved this and it came at a perfect time! Thank you so much. I hope you are doing well. 💙


Listening to this again because I fell asleep last night and missed a lot. Did he really get captured and sealed away??? 😭😭😭😭 Poor baby, I just want to hold him and do nothing else all day but give him comfort and love and peace and reassurance that he is truly loved 🥺

Tabitha Guss

If you’re not caught up in the manga then yes. That is all I will say.


I haven’t read the manga, just seen the show. But now I want to get them, just so I can know 😭😭😭


Him: “Did I really make a positive impact on your life?” Me: *immediately tearing up* Don’t ask me that, honey. Even if I could aptly describe all the ways this channel has helped me, there wouldn’t enough time to, not before the stars burn out. Ahhh, this was lovely Cece, the comfort corners are always so cathartic 🤧🥹 Thank you for always being such a kind figure in our lives. I only hope we help you feel special too. We appreciate you so much 🙏🏼❤️

Alma Razo

Thank you. ☺️


I always wanted to hear a softer version of Gojo, cause I think that he’s not always the arrogant teasing and without feelings type so, thank you for that. But also, the audio in itself was lovely and I’m definitely going to listen to it again.

Yep Yep

(Audio spoilers) Life causing him to leap to judge others, too cautious to get to know them, worrying if he actually made a positive influence, having to play the tough guy. . . AHH, the way my heart fluttered with protectiveness when he shakily admitted he wants to be vulnerable with them, to be himself and not having to fear being misunderstood or misjudged, to not have to be alone, to hide! 💙All the love💙

Louise Dunphy

I was scrolling through your audios and cannot believe I missed this one! It was exactly what I needed when I was feeling down and restless. Thank you for the soft Gojo audio - he’s usually playful and teasing but this softer side of him really pulled my heartstrings and helped me fall asleep 🥰 will definitely be keeping this in my favourite pile to listen to again!

