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Hi hi everyone! I’m working on the tier audios atm! Looking like it’s Shinso for 10 and Dabi for 25! In addition I’m working on both a sub and dom audio (one for each of the other tiers 1/5 that will go up a little after I finish these!

The 10 tier Shinso is focused on shock collar use and training! As well as loving with a bite!

The 25 tier audio is about a semi corrupt gentleman of a ceo Dabi! You both lusted after the other and got entangled in a web of lewd—strictly below the desk business…

The other two audios will be a poly with some familiar faces and a return of someone who hasn’t been voiced in quite some time! C: I hope it’s a fun little surprise!

As for other things, it’s been a bit of a tough few months as adulting do be hard. I’m still not used to it if I’m honest. Though I’m working on being more responsible and better at managing as well as trying to find as much passion to combat the scary stuff!

For anyone who’s been here for a bit, you can probably attest to me being a bit of an airhead sometimes, but I’m trying to, I guess, become more consistent and better at making things feel more vivid audibly. C: it’s tough but also fun!

Mental health is good for the most part! I hope y’all are taking good care of yourselves!! You better or else! I definitely gotta make more comforts and work out audios so expect those coming soon too! Also more void content, gah! I hate being behind with debit things but I didn’t wanna take away from content creation and the stories to do so. So while it may be a few before void is fully manifested I promise it will be worth the wait!

Thank you so very much to everyone who supports me. I really truly mean it that you helped me through some of the toughest times of my life. I’ll forever appreciate you all but please remember to care for yourself and your own situation first. I will never stop what I’m doing ever. So long as I got a voice to give I’ll always give it to you all with all my heart. This place honestly feels like a piece of my heart that can never be replaced and I am honored and proud to be able to make content for all of you. Thank you for your kindness and for being the best community ever. Truly I love you all and wish for nothing more than for this to make you feel even a sliver of how special you truly are.

Please never be a stranger, and if you ever have requests or concerns I’ll do my absolute best to make sure to fix/improve things over time! My current goals are pretty simple but also a slow buildup type of goal!

1: to always continue to take any criticism or critique to forever focus on improving the audios to become as good as they can possibly be.

2: to make this place full of warm and happy memories and make as many of y’all smile as I can!

3: return to a daily or semi daily posting schedule! Or as much as my vocal chords can safely produce!

I truly hope that these audios find you well and that these words find you well! I truly love y’all and I hope that you know you all mean the world to me. I will try my absolute best to make things even more special and better!! Thank you for being a part of all of this from the bottom of my heart!! C:



No one ever feels like they are adulting properly. I think it’s actually a requirement of being an adult to never feel like you’ve got a grip on being one lol. Sending love right back at you!!

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

Adulting can be really difficult, I agree wholeheartedly. It almost broke me a few months ago, but luckily I have your audios to help me get through ❤️❤️❤️ I've personally had some cravings for our lovely dragon bois Kiri and Bakugo, as well as catboy assassin Shinso. Honestly lost count of how many times I've listened to them now 🤭😍😘


Adulting is always the hardest thing, and the older you get the more complicated it gets 😭 but glad to hear your doing well! (That Dabi summary is also very 👀👀)

Yep Yep

Hope you're doing well, Cece! And definitely adulting continues to be that final boss we're stuck in a seemingly endless battle with >_< Responsibilities, self care, planning for the future @u@ But we're here for each other! And don't worry about airheaded times, no doubt most of us relentlessly struggle with those fun times. And please don't feel bad any time you need to take a break 😸 Currently going through a challenge for self care with something I've put off with for a time, but am now tackling! And know you're deeply loved, appreciated, and we hope you never underestimate how much so many care for you, I mean it. All the love and hugs!! =^^=

Namjoon sold my jams for 3 dollars

I honestly love reading about you and how you’re doing it makes me happy to know you’re well and that’s all that matters


You can always warm my heart cece, you and your voice both

Little Feather🪶

Cece honey, we love you so much. Thank you for looking out for us along with providing us with the content you do. Adulting is hard, I’m gonna be 36 in Jan, and it’s STILL hard As always, take care of yourself firstly, many of us will always be here for you no matter how long 💜 You just posted some Shinsou food… I adore you, thank youuu 🥹


cece i love you. please bring nagito, kokichi and karma back. bae im living off scraps please


I still need another Nanami audio 🥺 one day, soft dom and friends to lovers 🙏 also your audios keep getting better and better 🌟

Musha Shijuki

Your doing great! You’ve helped me through my personal struggles with your audios. I was wondering if you’d be making more comfort corners with Hawks or Bakugo. Those are some of my favorite ones! Your doing great and you’ve definitely grown a lot from when you started. The binaural stuff is amazing even if it’s still a work in progress, You do a lot and I couldn’t be more grateful. Your a talented voice actor that’s for sure.


I have been a supporter for over a year, and want to say thank you. I know it isn't much, but seriously you have made my life so much better just by doing what you do. On hard days and on great days your content has been awesome and has made me smile and feel something in time when i felt numb. You are doing something great, and i hope you know that. Things are hard for a lot of people, and i am grateful for the time and energy you put into your craft. You make my month better, and i know a lot of people feel the same. 🖤