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Hope ya'll enjoy and get good rest :3 Love ya'll a bunch! 



Damn when I tell you this one was so relaxing, I passed out so hard though I kept sorta waking up and honestly at some points, he sounds more like Dabi which is my number 1 sleep aid so not bad but it takes some readjustment when he calls me Star cuz then I'm like, oh yeah, Iida, not Dabi.

Elle Piper

I am still prying and in dire need of a Sukuna sleep aid.


Currently bawling my eyes out/pos I love him sm… makes me feel so safe I swear 😭 the protective talk is so heartwarming <3


Nope, this is absolutely perfect, did you crawl inside my head for this one?? Lol jk But this is definitely the best sleep aid, omg I haven't sleep that soundly in a while ❤️❤️ thank you Cece ❤️❤️


Cece, this is awesome. Coincidentally I had just been thinking about Iida because the same guy who voices him in English also voices Commander Erwin from Attack on Titan and I know a number of subscribers would be interested in that fella… just sayin’. 😇

Riahhh Hatake

Can we pls get a hawks sleep aid🥺🥺🤍🤍

Stray Jams

Omg I’m actually in tears, Iida is my favorite


So sweet 💜💜💜💜💜

Katie Huenecke

This is way sweet and I love it! It gives me All Might/Small Might vibes in a protective and loving way after his video you posted most recently posted 😊 I would so love an All might/ small might one 🥰 he is my favorite hero because of what he stands for!

Rosey Knightly

Honestly I think this might be my favorite sleep aid?(I like tenya he's not my favorite but he's super sweet) but Mostly because it luls into the breathing. It kinda takes me a while to fall asleep but the 14 minute of soft talking and sweet worss really help my brain be like "oh snap it's quiet time!" So I love this I've listened to it for the past 4 nights? and probably will be using it for a long while. 😅🤣🥺💖💗💕 beautiful work Cece thank you<3

All Might Simp

Can you please do a sleep aid/comfort audio of all might??

Alma Razo

I can't remember when I passed out, but I'm thankful this helped. I don't mean to trigger anyone about this next comment but I need to get this out: I've been experiencing lucid hearing. Like. I'm dreaming. Then it stops and I feel half awake but still asleep? Not scary at all. It's more frustrating or annoying more than anything. It's also more difficult to put into words than I thought. Sometime familiar voices speaking clear, cut sentences. However the past few nights have been.. I guess not a favorable sound. Like repetitive banging from my closet which resonates like it's coming from the bathroom next to it. I kept thinking to myself. "What is it?" "It will stop soon." "Maybe someone is there?" And I will be in and out of rem sleep. Like I KNOW I'm asleep but my brain is fully aware I'm hearing something. When I wake up. There is no one. Nothing there. The sound stops. I have been using white noise audios to try to help. It is not always successful. Listening to someone speaking - NOT whispering because for some reason it feels too uneasy when there is consistent whispering - has been generally helpful. I fall asleep and stay asleep better. I haven't had the previous experiences of having these lucid - I really don't know what to call these.. audio cues.. I guess - in a while. Thank you for all the sleep aids. I revisit your older ones frequently. The looped ones are perfect. 😌 The breaks where there is a slower inhale or exhale, mwuAH!- chef's kiss. So, so helpful. It's like a kind reminder that someone is with me. 💚


Would you consider making a shigaraki sleep aid? Love ur audios ✨