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WARNING: Loud moans, themes of filling, mild cum play, loud growls, some marking, claiming and slight breeding themes in a vague sense :3

ART BY: https://twitter.com/freesilverwind




I just saw this on YT, my comment still stands, I CAN ONLY HEAR IIDA 😅


I read your comment before I clicked, and when I did... Saying I cackled is a dramatic understatement 🤣

Ridley Ghost

I was surprised by how much I liked this! It was a good mix of Toshinori being sweet and flirty, and vulnerable!

Yep Yep

(Audio spoilers) I want to give him such a big hug TT^TT Wait 0/ / /0 wasn't ready for big-Might kabedon! He's so sweet, vulnerable and wild <3 Sweet and wholesome aftercare =^^= ❤️Gochisousama❤️

Felix Hartmann

Auuuggghhggghhhh he is sooo hot 😩😩😩


I'm not finished with the audio yet but I'm dying over here 😂☠. I always keep my radio on (bc I hate silence and this is in my earbuds) and my local rock station started playing "Somebody To Love" by Queen. It fit a little too well that my feels are hit but I can't stop laughing at the coincidence.